Dismembered torso of missing soldier found beheaded in the woods – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: The dismembered torso of a soldier is found in the woods, mere feet away from a bloody receipt for a reciprocating saw. Plus, a woman beaten to death by her partner on an Amtrak train.


41 thoughts on “Dismembered torso of missing soldier found beheaded in the woods – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode”
  1. You are absolutely correct; the world is getting worse. Politicians and religious people believe that they can fix the fractured hearts of people who have zero in terms of a moral compass. I stay on my children about being mindful of associations with people because we are living in dark and perilous times. My children are 34, 31 and 28 and I thank God daily that they work, further their education and make it a habit to hang out at home and not in bars or clubs. I’m not saying that will always protect them but, it gives them the leverage of not being in harm’s way sometimes. I keep each of my children’s location through the find me app on our iPhones because anything could happen and as parents we would not know where to begin to look for our young people. Thank you for doing these educational videos so that people realize the dangers of people we keep in our cipher. People are morally bankrupt and don’t care who knows so that means life means nothing to them at all. Be safe out there and if you are a praying person lift up your loved one’s in prayer so they have a hedge of protection around. Be blessed and safe. ❤

  2. Smdhh that second story is crazy! How she got blood on the brain and blood in her belly and bruising from head to toe BUT they don't know how she died! Plus he was the last person with her!!! WTH is that police department thinking! That neighbor best be careful! He's still free! Plus the kids said he beat them to! And NOTHING was done to him! This is wild!!!!

  3. Whataburger, Whatasha or whatever her name is got a stomach made of steel okay because cutting and dismembering her husband body would have had me sick as hell. We don’t know what their marriage was like but something happened to the point where she felt the need to kill and dismember him.I have a hard time cutting up chicken let alone a human body. That crime watch daily story was brutal.

  4. These authorities handling the Marina Placencia case should be utterly ashamed of themselves if they do not intend to seek justice for Marina and her family. That would be a disgrace upon themselves. Witnesses and all the circumstancing evidence is overwhelming enough proof to persecute him. Could they file a wrongful death suit against the railroad compan. Hoping and prompting that organization to launch their own investigation to avoid responsibility. Possibly revealing what really happened on that train.

  5. For the first case:
    My father did the same thing. My older sister got murdered by her ex just days before my wedding. She was going to be one of my brides' maids, but we did not get to that. She was strangled to death and dumped in an alleyway with nothing but her empty purse. The ex took her wallet, her keys, her phone, and her life. I will never be able to forgive him, but I do not think he is a monster. He was sentenced to 25 years, and is 23 years in. He might be released early due to good behavior. I fear the day he is released. Our family has put a restraining order against him, but I fear that will not stop him. He had no mercy for my sister, so I do not believe he would have any for us. My father goes into his room at 10:00 every night and cries. I pray he will find a way to move on. I pray every day for our safety, and that another soul is not lost in the war of life.

  6. My heart goes out to you and your family Sir losing your son, I have two boys and raised them alone , I couldn't imagine losing any of them, that's my worst nightmare .
    Gods love and support be with you all 🙏


  8. I'm trying to imagine how an adult doesn't know what "homicide" means. The interesting thing is that she knew VERY WELL how to call for a lawyer just a couple of minutes after being told she was under arrest.

    On the story about the woman who ended up losing her life on the train while trying to escape an abusive boyfriend, I have to wonder who on earth told him about her plan to leave him. It had to be someone in her inner circle, someone she trusted but who either thought he would not harm her or didn't care if he did. Who else would have known where she was going and how she was going to get there? I would be looking for that traitor if I were her family because I would want to make sure whoever it was NEVER had any part with my family again.

    I was a bit amazed at how nonchalant her family was when they learned that the BF was on the same train that was supposed to be taking her away from him. You would think that they would have closed ranks around her and would have made sure that every step she took had about three or four relatives right there with her so he would not have the opportunity to do anything to her and then they should have had the conductor contact the police and have them standing by to detain him long enough for her to get safely away from the train. This is just a real head shaker.

  9. No her family did not let her down at all. There was nothing anybody could do she was inthatched with this guy. He followed her to Colorado. Even if they would have broke up they would have gotten back together. My mother spent 20 some odd years with a horrible abuser. It took me a long time to forgive my mother, because she let us be treated bad because of this. But I'm telling her family right now there was nothing that you could have done really nothing.

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