Black Lives Matter Protests at Torrance City Council Meeting – Everything Law and Order Blog

Black Lives Matter Protests at Torrance City Council Meeting

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


41 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter Protests at Torrance City Council Meeting”
  1. They are just actors performing a play at the city meetings. You support the play by filming it. Stay on the street and ignore these plays being performed.

  2. Dude was in a stolen car with a air gun between his legs ….ok….let's see your in a stolen car so dude is a criminal.

  3. You ppl can take your chances in scenarios like that. All I can say is good luck because your chances are slim if someone has a gun between their legs and they're not following orders in the car they stole. Come on, ppl know the stats and they don't lend credence to BLM or systemic racism in law enforcement. I'm not worried about getting shot because I don't break laws. And if I did, I'd show my hands when a cop instructed me to and was pointing a gun at me. Stay clean and respect the law and you'll be fine.

  4. If the cops had kept the light on the man, they could have seen the weapon better and also should have had the common sense to know that the guy couldn’t have quickly gotten the weapon from its place between his feet to a shooting position quickly. I guess the owner of the car won’t want it back now…

  5. These people are idiotic and carrying the yoke and the ones that are not black and acting like idiotic idiots are just as uneducated and no knowledge of anything at all

  6. 100% justifiable shooting I feel sorry for the cop he has to live with the fact that he killed another man for the rest of his life he is the real victim. With all respect to the family I hope they get peace also.

  7. Funny how BLM always shows up when a white cop kills a black person. But you will never EVER see BLM protesting in their own communities when a black person kills another black person. If black lives matter, then maybe you should be teaching the youth of the black community that.

  8. Looks like will really never know because the cop shut the light off… Why was the Light 💡 Shut off .!! Hmm 🤔

  9. Stolen automobile and gun between his legs!?

    Still the officer could have probably taken him in.

    If the guy really went for his weapon, then kill him. If the officer has done wrong, wilfully, then imprison him and execute him for murdering American People, it's that simple!

  10. If that would have been the white man he would have made it they pulled guns on police is in the opening don't get killed so you tell me why do white people get privilege to live in Black die on Insta

  11. These people need to find a better event to get behind. There definitely is racism all over these cities however when a criminal in a stolen car with a long record of offenses gets pulled over and he has a gun in his lap, it does not matter if he is black or white he is going to die. They act like this kid was innocent of all crimes and was not in a stolen vejhicle holding a gun. Idiots.

  12. That white girl who spoke for Black Lives Matter was fat as hell and had the flattest ass I have ever seen… but at least she didn't cuss. If you want respect, give it.

  13. Thanks for including the video in the beginning. It’s crazy how “innocent” a person can appear while sitting in a stolen car with a gun between their legs. I actually thought it was the person who called the police and was then shot and I understood why those people were so mad. Nope, they were mad a career criminal was justifiably killed. If you have a deadly weapon between your legs and the cops want you to move, you should probably let them know.

  14. They have watched the movie BLACKKKLANSMAN,one to many times.🙄
    The mother was not concerned when he was stealing all the cars. But now she see’s money. 💰 💰 💰(OR BETTER KNOWN AS THE GHETTO LOTTERY)

  15. For BLM I advocate for the innocent unarmed black guys
    But come on saying
    “don’t give a fuck “expletive in court
    It will go on deaf ears

  16. These people don't get that you sound really dumb yelling and cursing in a public setting. That's why the dude was shot because his intelligence level is on par with these people.

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