Man’s torture filmed by ex before his murder – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: A man is brutally murdered by his ex. Plus, an officer returns to the force after surviving six gunshot wounds.


35 thoughts on “Man’s torture filmed by ex before his murder – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode”
  1. In situations like the officer was in, during the second story if your chasing a suspect and they bail out the vehicle and run off and you know that their armed then take those extra seconds to either grab more ammo or grab yourself a 2nd firearm from your vehicle. Because if it does come to be a gun fire like this situation then you'd be better off taking those few extra seconds to grab your self extra fire power rather then firing off your single clip and the suspect still having more ammo to fire at you when your all out just like what happen in this situation, cause those few extra seconds to grab extra could be all you need to save your life. This officer is truly lucky to get shot 9 times including getting shot in the face point blank range and surviving. If he'd had extra ammo or a 2nd firearm then the suspect wouldn't of been able to get that close to shoot point blank range

  2. How is it possible that in America you don't have technology set up so that 911 can trace a call from a mobile phone accurately enough to know an address???? Australia has this ability and has had since at LEAST 2017, which I know as I had some incidents from 2017 when I had to call police but couldn't say anything so I just left the line open and police turned up knocking at my front door…. And at that time I even lived on a block that had 40 units on it, and they still knew to come to my block …..

  3. why do cops wear black all the time now?? kinda stupid not to wear blue, if u identify as 'blue'. black connotes military. blue collars connote low class. maybe they like acting militaristic w/ their fellow citizens, even though its as anti-american as u can get

  4. I know these fucking YouTube channels aren’t putting these actual photos up of victims and calling it “educational” bc we all know that is not justifiable. What a fckin shame this world has come to

  5. Asking if he needs an attorney is not suspicious, that just means he's not stupid. That would literally be the first thing i say that i need a lawyer before i say anything. I binge watch BRUCE RIVERS THE CRIMINAL LAWYER on youtube everyday. I highly recommend his channel if your into law and crime stories but with an intelligent and very funny lawyer explaining everything in the video from a legal point of view.

  6. Not to be morbid but if got murdered in my skivvies…I better not be on tv with a "actual crime scene pic" and I'm laying my fat ass in a closet with my panties on helllllll no! Landy break's my heart. I always want to hug him 😢

  7. If you call 911 they can clearly see your number put it in a program that keep your full history of info as required by law when you register with a cell phone or home phone company. Call the police and try to prank them and watch they show up to your door lol I don't know why they always pretend not to be able to lookup a phone number

  8. Everyone from this story could’ve benefited from some type of a psychological treatment, on another note, the way that that man was screaming “help me” reminds me of a scene from scary movie 😂

  9. Who thought it was a good idea to show a murder victim lying dead in his underwear, the amount of disrespect you showed to the victim and his surviving family is absolutely appalling. Landy didn't deserve what happened to him and didn't deserve how y'all treated him. Do better you pieces of s**t

  10. 34:55 I was born in 45. It's terrible what cops have to go through nowadays. It wasn't like that when I was growing up. It started up in 1970 when drugs became popular.
    All of the people I knew who got involved with drugs are dead. Except for a few. They either went cold turkey or got treatment. All of them started with marijuana.

  11. I knew a guy whose father was rich. His father was one of those guys who when he walked into the building he worked in, people would immediately react with "Hello Mr. X. Let me open the door for you" or when he went to this ultra classy expensive restaurants, the maitre'd greets him, "Mr. X, so nice that you complement us with your presence." Etc. The son could not compare to the father and lost his job when he was fifty and his father supported him. He was not that popular with the ladies, but nevertheless he went on the internet and found what he thought to be the love of his life. They supposedly hit it off. The woman worked in a facility that cared for old people and after they married she decided to stop working. He felt that was ok because he could afford to support them (with Dad's money.) It was about a year after they were married that he suddenly died. I do not want to reveal how he died out of fear it will provide information that can be used to kill someone. But if I was the father I would have demanded an autopsy. She had a funeral and had the body cremated. She got all his cash, belongings, car and the house. I believe she to be responsible for his death.

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