Was missing 2-year-old victim of a carjacking? Or murder? – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: The Motor City Mystery of baby Bianca Jones.


44 thoughts on “Was missing 2-year-old victim of a carjacking? Or murder? – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode”
  1. For those saying the guy didn't get a fair trial — the fact that this monster paddled a TODDLER for wetting the bed… That alone shows he's a violent man and has no business being around young children.

  2. 1.Did any of the investigators look into if these people were substance abusers? There has been heartbreaking stories about drug abusing parents selling their children off to pay off debts. Human trafficking is VERY FREAKING REAL AND EASY TO CONTRIBUTE TO. Human trafficking does not only equal sex trade. Vital organ trade. It’s horrifying to even think about.
    2. For the mother to not fault the father is extremely telling. I don’t care how in love I was with my mate. For my child I’d destroy whomever could’ve taken my child away! WHOMEVER!
    3. He was in a love triangle. If I can’t have him no one can! I’ll lock you away and throw away the key just to peek in on you every so often.
    If the FBI were to have gotten invested they should’ve looked in to any children that recently applied for emergency passports around that time. The mother appears to possibly have roots and could be Haitian, Belizean, Jamaican etc. they could’ve sent the child to live with family which is why she can’t be found.
    Investigators should’ve looked in to possible bitter custody issues. The mother could’ve been vengeful. They all seem off.

  3. & there is something off with his fiancé . One minute she says she heard the baby scream in pain and fall silent and then she’s saying she was talking after and lied because she didn’t want to get in trouble ? Makes no sense . & then she says the mom was jealous and could have set him up ? Why not say that to begin with then ? Her child with him is four and Bianca was two when she went missing , clearly he cheated … maybe look at the fiancé ..? Just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. Idk if he’s lying or not but I don’t think this was handled right , period . The cops decided he killed her and that was it , to the point where when people said they saw her they didn’t even investigate it , that is so wrong . What if it was her ? & there were multiple opportunities to save her & the cops just said nope she’s dead ? Beaten with a stick that has literally no DNA or anything ? & the judge got so mad that he called her a liar but WHAT IF they are all wrong ? Idk it’s just weird to have literally nothing that says she’s dead but send someone to prison for life and completely destroy him in court for “killing her” … all because the cops said so . He should have asked for a lawyer immediately .. 3 day interrogation too ? Just wrong .

  5. I believe the father knows who kidnapped or hijack his daughter he was there must be something that he did in the past it's sad for the little girl the little angel may God protect her anywhere that she's at❤❤

  6. I don't believe this!! Another case where a jury convicts on feelings not facts!! There is not enough proof beyond a reasonable doubt!! The law says you can't convict yet they always do because the jury lets their feelings cloud their judgement!! Something needs to be done about this!! Too many innocent people get convicted because of emotions get in the way of facts!! The jury system is flawed!!!

  7. This case makes no since it's going in left field and the actual issue of a missing child it's now about cheating sex and jealousy this is sickening one of the worse cases they have covered. This poor child needs to be found either way

  8. Not only did his fiancée lie in court, she was smiling when she admitted what she had done. As well as the way she was talking about Bianca's mom during the interview was sus.

  9. I believe this case need to be a little more evaluated I feel like the two women fell in love with each other and concocted a plan to get rid of the father has anybody noticed that none of the mother of the child or the stepmother of the child cried about the baby being missing for the Auntie or the uncle they just all band on the wagon to blame the daddy the father is the only one that has show anger and hurt and pain the women are seeming more schmuck like yes we're getting away with this yes he's being committed I do believe that something is fishy with this story and I believe this child is alive a mother can feel if her child is gone or not I feel like the mother gave the child to a family member and they have her in hiding no social media accounts nothing I haven't even seen the mother posting every year about the baby it's like she went through the corporate seating and then that's it the end I strongly believe they set this man up even his kids don't believe he did anything to their sister officers need to dig deep into the mothers and the girlfriend or baby mamas background she only started crying when they showed her how her daughter would look if her daughter was still with us today that is the only emotion I saw from this woman my mother my father my uncles all potty trained us and spanked us as well we still alive we have been spanked with belts switches off the tree paddles as well and we are still alive that man did the same discipline to her as he did to his other kids I don't believe he lost control and murdered his daughter

  10. He killed her!! Also, what’s going on in the black community? Black women have got to get back their self-respect, and self-esteem. We cannot continue to share black men. EXPAND YOUR OPTIONS!!

  11. "What happenED to my baby?!" Is the questiong you ask immediately when your car gets stolen…. i think not . Referring to her in past tense and only knowing that your car got taken is not usual

  12. Dad could not speak because he was taking in the reality that he killed his daughter and shit is getting real. Any dad whose car was just car jacked with their baby in it is not going to sit their and just cry and not say anything. They are gonna cry and spew anything they can get out. His reaction makes no sense.

  13. They may want to look into Anjali being a suspect because why would you think you're going to jail unless you did something?? It's giving put the blame on him so they don't look at me

    And the police failed the mother, family and most of all that little girl!!! Your job is to cross all t's and dot all i's

  14. Potty training a baby by paddling them spanking them or hitting them in any way. It's not potty training that is child abuse. I can't believe they was speaking like that was okay. That is child abuse. I have held potty training a baby and we never had to hit her once matter of fact we never even had to get mad at her because it's nothing to get mad at but then she did it right. She was rewarded every time and then she got it completely right all together. When she started doing it right she kept doing it right actually

  15. Watching those… it's like hearing stories from gypsy settlements in our country.
    Just… gross. This guy having all those kids and all the facts around all involved…. and children are suffering, cause rolemodels are – none.

  16. Everybody who "saw" little girl, but none of those took her a drive ber to neaRest Police station, to identify her. To save her from someone who allegedly "kidnapped her"? Well….
    This Mother of hers… she got some cold crying face on every scene she was.
    Also…what kind of monster "discipline" 2 year old?? Potty "trained"…??
    Also this son of his…minnie discipline man.
    Some "ppl" just shouldnt have kids, thats for sure.

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