Sorority sister stalked by killer before bludgeoning death – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: A college student is brutally murdered by a suspect who may have additional victims. Plus, a cop turned killer.


48 thoughts on “Sorority sister stalked by killer before bludgeoning death – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode”
  1. I'm sorry but I would want to believe the first case but the crime he was caught with was so stupid it's hard to believe he did the others .I know sometimes cops close cases when they find dumb criminals by putting all the unsolved cases on them

  2. Don't mean to sound harsh but are the 3rd and 4th wife too blind to figure something isn't right with this guy? I can't even get a 1st girlfriend yet this POS gets 4 chances to marry?

  3. Every criminal was first a cowardly person who felt the need to spy on someone.
    Abused people are common. But not all abused people become stalkers and criminals for a side lifestyle. Sadly, the government often pays informants to stalk perfectly decent citizens with diverse religions or complexions.
    I’m sorry to hear of this horrific situation—May the victim be given Heaven, and her family, solace in knowing her past Good Deeds.

  4. I understand she’s grieving but she said that like she’s not “someone else’s daughter” … I’ve lost a family member at home right in front of me at 17 had never seen a live dead body before just me and my cousin … it was all unexpected & it took many many years to accept what happened …

  5. someone in the comments wrote people need to raise their sons to respect women and treat them with kindness lmao, how about raising daughters properly so they dont end up with a cowardly lion from wizard of oz like drew. and 2ndly if you raised your daughters properly then they would raise their sons properly, most these toxic men come from indecent mothers or single mothers. AND the society we live in now the men are always mocked by women on media and social media creating monsters. cos men are far more dangerous than women, proof? look at all the killers in these crime shows, mostly men. especially the vicious attacking ones are literally all men. One of the victims mother said why couldnt he pick another girl, that tells you a lot about how she raised her daughters to pick that guy as the jackpot in their lives. Oh wait society raised women as indestructable pillars until people like drew come along exposing the myth.

  6. What on earth did ALL those women get together with that geeky looking lump of lard cop? Seriously ladies? you cannot be that desperate for male attention that you would get into bed with that! After the first one, its hard to have sympathy for such stupidity.

  7. And this is one of my worst fears. I have a 16yr old daughter planning for college and I'm terrified of all the danger, predators, things that can go horribly wrong on campus or off campus. The amount of crimes that colleges cover up scares me. I let my kids watch these shows so they are aware of what happens in this ugly world. So sorry for the victims and families.

  8. Idk how Or why women continued to get with him? People make the mistake of thinking that they are somehow better and that others won't treat you as badly as they have others! If someone does something awful to another person then please don't think that they won't do it to you too.

  9. Drew Peterson was NOT a cop gone bad, he's a BAD GUY GONE COP.
    Unfortunately, not the first, and not the last. Police hiring needs to be more meticulous, people who are issued weapons ane badges, better investigated veted.

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