Killer obsessed with ‘Dexter’ told neighbors to ignore screams – Crime Watch Daily Full episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: Mark Twitchell was an aspiring Canadian filmmaker, obsessed with the show “Dexter,” who allegedly built a “kill room” in his garage. He told neighbors to ignore the screams, insisting he was making a movie. Plus, a Marine veteran overcomes a battlefield injury to become one of NYPD’s finest.


34 thoughts on “Killer obsessed with ‘Dexter’ told neighbors to ignore screams – Crime Watch Daily Full episode”
  1. From what it seems what I think at least, he wanted to make real snuff film and possibly sneak it into his film somehow and become notorious from that if not trying to copycat Dexter

  2. The way the justice system works, the guy would have probably k!||ed even if Giles reported it.
    When i was yoing, i reported an assault and attempted R on me by a person in a position of authority. He got away with it for about 20 years, who knows how many victims, until finally his wife offed herself and police found his collection of visual mementos.
    I tried to stop him, but my testimony only hurt me, in the end.

  3. the only thing more insane than meeting up with someone online because you want to murder them is to almost be murdered by someone that you met up with online and then not going to the police afterwards or telling anyone what happened to you.

  4. Only 4 minutes in but come on…. As adult… shouldn’t one know to meet in a public space?!?!? If you’re that desperate…. Stop and work on yourself before trying to date. Holy cow! 😱😖🤢💜

  5. We need the name of the judge that went way too easy on the freak that r*ped his wife. What the hell is wrong with that judge?! No jail/prison time?!?! That judge needs to be removed if he’s still in a position of power.

  6. He was the type of guy Dexter would have targeted, not teamed up with. How do you tell the neighbours to ignore the screams and think they’ll keep it a secret just for you.

  7. I've lived in Edmonton…it is a seedy city same as any other highly populated city! These things…this horror … Can be in all of our own backyard! Creepy…cuz its TRUE!

  8. How does that guy live with himself for not going to police and because he doesn't the second guy ends up murdered. He could have been stopped if the guy said he was embarrassed to report the attempted murder. That's messed up 😢

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