Defense abruptly rests in Hollywood murder trial; Mom accused of witness tampering — TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Dr. Tracy Pearson joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the defense abruptly resting their case in the murder trial of a Hollywood sex therapist, shocking new allegations against a parenting podcaster charged with child abuse, and a grief book author accused of poisoning her husband now facing allegations of witness tampering.

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31 thoughts on “Defense abruptly rests in Hollywood murder trial; Mom accused of witness tampering — TCD Sidebar”
  1. I’ve never seen a video speaking about murder after murder that a person can sit there with the biggest SMILE on their face discreetly laughing at some points. This is as disturbing as the cases. Talk about being numb to people dying.

  2. The defence alone that he broke into her home after she had already increased security just to talk to her is completely insane. The lawyers should be committed as well.

    In Ruby Franke's case you also don't want to put the children through this because abused children, even as adults, often are gaslit/parentified and blame themselves for getting their parents in trouble. So they have to sit in a courtroom they think their parents are sitting in because of them.

  3. She was known for tough love on YouTube and it was way too out there.She has over 2 million subscribers.There channel got shutdown for awhile before because ppl got a thing and 43k ppl signed it to take her channel down.its child abuse.She kept food from them if they did not do all their homework and all kinds of terrible stuff.

  4. The Utah mothers should be charged with actual torture. There is zero defense of these women’s actions. There is no space for any form of defense. Seriously. People that torture children must be severely prosecuted. The only leeway would be determining what prison they go to. No pleas negotiated. Just charge them fully and give them life without parole. End of story. These children will unfortunately have to live their lives out forever with the trauma. These women will never see the errors of their ways! They are evil and narcissistic sick humans. No excuse. Not even insanity. These children fully helpless. Hero child who was able to actually get away. He is the hero. His actions have save the rest of his siblings. To the adult child that had moved away she is the one that could put the nails in the coffins. These children must seek peace. The father who abandoned his children should also be held in some form of accountability. No way these women will ever see their children again. Terminate parental rights.

  5. Ruby is reminding me of Vallow-Daybell. Two "religious" freaks who tortured children. God only knows what would've happened to Ruby's kids if her son hadn't escaped and ran for help. He's a hero. Hope those kids all get therapy and healing.

  6. If her lawyer remains defending Richins, I have a huge problem with that, and this letter will surely come out in trial, and I imagine the jury would be also suspicious of the lawyer too 🤷‍♀️

  7. She put cayenne pepper in her child’s open wounds!!!!! I really want to know what Ruby’s childhood was like . How did she become so reprehensible and sadistic? Thank God for that neighbor who called 911!!!!! God bless you sir!!!!

  8. Ruby/Jodi case: I can see Ruby potentially taking a plea but I do not see Jodi taking one. She is a manipulator and narcissist who is insistent that it’s her way or no way. She does not care if a child has to be retraumatized and she has gotten away with abuse in the past, but I do believe her luck has run out.

  9. I really think people throw “narcissist” around way too much lately.. however, this Franke lady seems 100% just that. Putting your abused children on such display on a platform such as YouTube without a choice for your own praise and gain and income and then denying them of basic necessities is sick on every level No matter what you call it.

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