2-year-old still missing after mother uncovered in shallow grave – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily: Years after the body of her mother, Nicole Fitts, was found buried in a San Francisco park, the search for Ariana Fitts continues. Plus, a ride-along with the Montgomery Sheriff.


38 thoughts on “2-year-old still missing after mother uncovered in shallow grave – Crime Watch Daily Full Episode”
  1. I am getting to detest Jason Matera's slimy output, how did he descend to this National Enquirer type presentation. I hate it, slimy, bold, dangerous, entitled, demanding bs. Nobody HAS TO speak to you sir, the constitution guarantees that and further, most of the time you approach a suspect, you are trespassing and will take whatever you get @ stand your ground law!!

  2. The babysitters are lying because how they was with last Arianna in February of 2016 but in April Nicole was on the phone trying to get Arianna back from the babysitters so they were the last one with Arianna !!!!!

  3. That Mama ((Nicole)) is haunting those women who stole her baby, they’re not living well. They WILL be revealed before the year end. Summer. & the baby saved & safe. May they rot for what they did to this mother & HER daughter!!

  4. I would never leave my child with anyone for that long for any reason. My parents watch my son while I work daily and I always pick him up Stat. I don't understand that. It's a Shame this happened.

  5. 1st case: Mom's are truly super heroes and those friends coming together like that…. beautiful.
    2nd case: 911 dispatchers better be making 6 figure salaries… that's one hell of a job!
    3rd case: Admirable! Everyone deserves a chance to better their life.

  6. What are Republicans doing to help these moms? Nothing. Democrats are the ones trying to get assistance to these families. Make sure you all remember to go vote next year for all democrats if you want to continue to receive your monthly checks for food and housing assistance. Get registered to vote for yourself and your family.

  7. Republicans do not want to help poor families or working families. They want to get rid of all assistance that helps families. Food and housing assistance has been cut or just done away with. All government checks that help the working poor will go away,if they don't vote for President Biden next year. Make sure you register to vote…make sure your name has not been purged already. Vote in all democrates if you want to safeguard what you get monthly. Peace be still.

  8. I'm a quarter of the way into this episode but i wonder if they were abusing Ariana and maybe killed her, accidentally or intentionally, and when her mom was ready to finally pick her up they had to get rid of her too.

  9. 1) hope they find that baby soon. 2) as a taxpayer I’m tired of paying for addicts to be brought back to life, they think they are invincible so let them be and let natural selection run its course. 3) ur a thief but don’t understand why nobody wants u to work for them?

  10. Im sorry but if this would have been a white mom murdered and burried in a shallow grave in a park and her baby gone it would be on national Tv and everyone would know about it. How come i just heard about this ?? Most people havent heard about this … there is a mother murdered and a baby missing and nothing has happened yet ?? Outrageous. This needs to go public and grab the attention of everyone until that baby is found and this case is solved …

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