Manson family member released; Surgeon charged with missing lawyer’s murder – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Katie Cherkasky joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the release of a former Manson family member, murder charges facing a plastic surgeon amid a medical billing dispute, and competency hearings for a woman charged with a man’s brutal murder and dismemberment.

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Joshua Ritter:

Katie Cherkasky

Katie Cherkasky

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35 thoughts on “Manson family member released; Surgeon charged with missing lawyer’s murder – TCD Sidebar”
  1. They have to be fair about this seriously she wasn’t fair to her victims was she they didn’t get to grow old she is a sick evil person I did drugs when I was nineteen and nobody could have made me kill somebody so blaming drugs is very disturbing Yes drugs are bad but you are in your soul still a good or evil person brainwashed by a sick freak bs she just wanted to have no responsibilities didn’t she come from a nice family she is just evil

  2. The Manson girl should never have been released she first got the death penalty got reduced to life so let her spend her life in jail I don't care what she did in jail she has nothing else to do in there except get an education

  3. I don’t agree that this MANSON FAMILY should be released at all. Her VICTIMS did not get an opportunity to live…however, she has NOT GOTTEN AWAY with her CRIMES…in this life. Yes, her verdict was completely turned over as the JURY TRIAL had SENTENCED. Our LIBERAL and LEFTISTS LEADERSHIP is WRONG but I pray NOVEMBER will switch this up soon. 🤔⚖️🕊️

  4. We didn't forget how heinous the Manson family murders were….the writings in blood, the cutting of a pregnant woman, and the horror of seeing them singing and laughing about it in court. F this b.s. I'm sickened by how many loopholes, deals, and straight-up coddling is given to criminals today. The laws need to be tougher, not weaker. I think the prison system is faulty, expensive and needs a complete overhaul to make it more efficient, also. NO TV, NO amenities, NO commissary, NO basketball courts. It's PRISON ffs. Make this make sense!

  5. We have a chicken shit injustice sys, the criminals have more rights them the victims, the death penalty in the United States is a total joke, lets quit making excuses, for our now fifth World Justice system.

  6. Hey JOSH… do you have access to the "TEX WATSON" 20 hour interview tapes that were recorded in TEXAS, by his attorney, before he was extradited back to LOS ANGELES??! LA DA's Office has them in a VAULT… and they've NEVER been released to the public or press. WHY is that??! I'LL BET THAT YOU HAVE ACCESS!! Don't lie like BUGLIOSI did, JOSHUA… play nice!! Does the PUBLIC know that the CIA-MKULTRA agents committed FAR MORE MURDERS than the MANSON FAMILY could've possibly even dreamed up??! Probably not! AND I KNOW THAT YOU KNOW, THAT THE TATE/LABIANCA MURDERS DIDN'T GO DOWN AS DESCRIBED IN "HELTER SKELTER!! BUGLIOSI was not only a LIAR… he was a CRIMINAL!! The MAN BEAT his MISTRESS to a PULP because she didn't get an ABORTION!! AFTER that she DIDN'T HAVE TO- SHE MISCARRIED, and THE BABY "DIED" as a result of BUGLIOSI BEATING HER!! The lead PROSECUTOR KILLED HIS OWN UNBORN CHILD!!! DID HE SERVE 50 YEARS IN PRISON?? NOPE!! WHY NOT?! BECAUSE IT WAS COVERED UP BY "LAW ENFORCEMENT!!" BUGLIOSI WAS AN "ANIMAL!!" GLAD HE'S DEAD!!! When the POWERS that prosecute the law AREN'T held ACCOUNTABLE for BREAKING the law… ANARCHY will ensue!!! SO, what about those tapes, JOSH??!

  7. Dear: Josh, Elvis Presley's twin brother Jessie Presley the first born male child is is "NOT" buried at Graceland with the Presley family members, the reason being they cannot find the body or the Grave of Jessie Presley, will Jessie Presley be "ONE" of the Great Signs from heaven spoken of in the book of (St.luke 21;11) "And Great Signs shall there be from Heaven", The coming of Jessie Presley is the coming of "Big Brother", will these signs from heaven initiate a ""Revelation" ? Fool's we should have knowen, "Sincerely Your's", Joe Mankiewicz, "The Prophet"..

  8. not defending this release, but it's important to bite how many other brutal murderers have been released. because they weren't so publicized no I've seems to get upset by them. The new compassionate release in California already has a murderer who was acop is being released to start with another retired cop, withy apparently no overseeing protocol

  9. Canadian Mom desperate to save/rescue my son from Parental Alienation – Canadian Media refuses to report on it, I'm Nadia, a single mother with terminal cancer, dealing with Parental Alienation.

    I've lost my son in November of 2018, I've been fighting all these years and I just keep losing in court and with Children Services (CAS). I live in Canada, the capital Ottawa, and CAS (Children Aid Services) took my son stating I physically and verbally abused him. Without any evidence they took my son, when they interrogated me I told them he slipped and fell. But they didn't believe me. I had horrible lawyers as well, that advised me wrong. Telling me that I don't need to present my evidence (recordings) as the judge will read between the lines and know the truth. Let me tell you they don't read between the line and they treated me all these years as a felon, when I literally did nothing.

    I've been reaching out to CAS to open the case, because in the latest report from a counselor from October 2022, my son stated that he sees my face on other people, that he fears mommy will kidnap him and he truly couldn't accuse me of anything more then that i sent him to room for spilling popcorn on the couch.

    I've been trying to get them to open a case to investigate their wrong doings and of course they are refusing. I reached out to my MP, MPP, Police, RCMP and nobody is doing anything to help me rescue my son. I had 2 near death experiences by now and I fear I will pass before I rescue my son from his true abuser. Here is a recording of my son during a supervised visit where you can hear him admitting he lied and there is another video where he was telling how his dad abused him on his trip to Toronto in August 2018, which CAS refused to investigate.

    I have plenty of evidence and I reached out to by now hundreds of Media/journalists here in Canada and NOBODY will report my story and HELP me to rescue my son.

    I am begging you to please help me save my son before my demise, please help me get the spotlight on CAS and my ex, who was nominated as outstanding Black Canadian in 2020. Please I am begging you to help me save my child, his mind is so poisoned against me, he is struggling emotionally and mentally. Parental Alienation is ABUSE, it's legal ABDUCTION to be honest, this boy became a bully since his dad entered more into his life. I left my ex due to domestic abuse, he was a correctional officer, that would always squeeze me so so hard, then shove me to the ground and this trip to toronto he did the same thing to my son plus lifted my son by his hair off the ground.

    I really need your help to expose this man and CAS. Please

    Desperate terminally ill mom needing your help, you'll be able to watch several gruesome videos on youtube and see my comments on twitter:



  10. It's certainly funny that she skated by the death penalty by sheer luck and was able to eventually attain parole by technicalities. Supposedly she regrets it all now, but it took almost thirty years for her to say anything against Manson, their groups actions, or their fairy tale race war. If the Manson family crime spree happened today, all the same events unfolding, would she still walk away free in the end? This is about more than just murder of course. I may not like Newsome but she probably would have gotten parole regardless of him after being denied 20 times. It's only because the death penalty was quashed that she's even still here.

  11. I think California is insane for releasing this vile murderer. It doesnt matter what age she is. That murder calls for life without parole. I think all states should parole their murderers in Cali since they want them.

  12. Arguements left and right about what 'Justice' should be served upon her. Here's one thing that is 'unJustifiable': Capital punishment. It sends a message that ''ending a person's life" is a solution to a problem. Don't we All have problems? Whatcha going to do about it? Maybe invest in a better future? Just my 2c..

  13. ARE Y'ALL REALLY SERIOUS?? If y'all don't put her back in jail right now🗣
    That poor couple was just at home minding their own business and for that they died!!😢 She is a mansion family member which makes her guilty for EVERY crime they committed! Y'all are sooo selectively delusional it's so sad to watch & listen 😮
    she suppose to spend the rest of her natural life in prison end of story.

  14. I was never brainwashed amongst my friends for taking drugs or alcahol that they used it up to me if i want to be a part of something or not. If i. Scared id yell somebody about it !
    Ok she did 50 yrs fair enough but she knew what she did wasnt right and remember how the victims suffered !

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