Fugitive on the run after the murders of his sister and girlfriend – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Andre Neverson could run, but eventually, he could no longer hide.

Andre hailed from Trinidad and Tobago and moved with his family from the tropics to the concrete jungle of Brooklyn, New York. He had a way with the ladies and jumped from one relationship to the next, but he also had a penchant for violence.

He once served time in New York State prison for shooting his then-girlfriend’s uncle six times in the stomach. After getting out, he was deported but eventually found his way back to New York.

Through all his legal ordeals, his sister Patricia remained by his side. She visited him in prison all the time and supported him when he was behind bars and when he was free.

Andre loaned Patricia money to help pay for a home in Brooklyn, and tensions boiled over when he learned the deed was in her name, not his. On July 8, 2002, Andre fatally shot Patricia during an argument at the home.

She was 39 years old.

Andre fled, bringing with him his girlfriend, 38-year-old Donna Davis. That was the last time Donna was seen alive.

On July 11, 2002, a man walking his dog discovered Donna’s body in an abandoned lot in Brooklyn’s East New York neighborhood. She suffered a gunshot wound to the head.

Andre became a wanted man for the murders of his sister and girlfriend, but he disappeared. He remained on the run for years until he was apprehended by U.S. Marshals in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on September 4, 2018.

Andre was charged with two counts of murder in Brooklyn and was convicted in February 2022. A Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice sentenced Andre to 50 years to life in prison.

Let’s look back at the case of a wanted man who never fled that far from where he committed two heinous crimes.


27 thoughts on “Fugitive on the run after the murders of his sister and girlfriend”
  1. How entirely incompetent could not only one, but two law enforcement agencies be? Guess they were not happy with less coffee breaks and not enough donuts to stuff into their fat faces. 😢😢😢

  2. The genius judge that handed down a retarded sentence that let this waste of skin back onto the streets in under FIVE YEARS? He or she needs a nice long vacation in the same penitentiary as this worm.

  3. Prime Example of the bible scripture, "TRUST IN NO MAN, BECAUSE MAN WILL LET YOU DOWN"! There is nothing on this planet worth me killing anyone over, especially a relative unless it's to protect my own life. We are in the last of the last seconds of the last hour.

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