Teen sentenced for stabbing 13-year-old cheerleader over 100 times – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Podcast Updates: Aiden Fucci was arrested for allegedly stabbing and killing his classmate, Tristyn Bailey. We covered the case of 13-year-old Tristyn’s murder on True Crime Daily: The Podcast a few times, and now we have a big update.

On February 6, 2023, the same day jury selection was slated to begin, Aiden pleaded guilty to first-degree murder. He could face life in prison with the possibility of parole after 40 years.

Let’s look back at this tragic case.


45 thoughts on “Teen sentenced for stabbing 13-year-old cheerleader over 100 times”
  1. WHY smdh but then again maybe he was being bullyed always two sides too a story that's a baby and like I said stop believing everything u hear if he didn't say he was crazy then stop making up story's I feel he was bullyed and he didnt want to be a victum NO what he did isnt right but theirs two sides to a story unfortunately he took is abuse into his own hands

  2. If the state releases this "supposed"child, he will do WORSE and may even one day kill that his mother trying to protect him. Setting him free will definitely be freeing a FUTURE SERIAL KILLER.

  3. If it were up to me the mother would get 40 years for attempting to pervert the course of justice and Aiden would be incarcerated for the rest of his life with no possibility of parole (and no access to social media, where he imagines himself a star).

  4. Teenage Murder, that with the first one stabbing should have stopped him before multiple times occurred! How injured did he want her. The Mom has a crazy person on her hands and next it would have been the Mom stabbed! Really Sad and Scary

  5. People that use mind altering substances usually commit a lot of crimes. Use of mind altering substances can induce brain damage and mental illness over time. Unfortunately, everyone has to be responsible for their actions. Substance abusers shouldn’t get a pass to commit crimes.

  6. Stabbing some 100Times?! Oh yeah if That doesn’t qualify for 1st degree Murder I don’t know what Would. And that’s an Adult decision so they’re right on that call too. Too bad the young man didn’t have Real parents.

  7. Split personality would do that, where one personna is happy jovial about the killing while a different personna has no clue what they did. Iam not saying he isnt a murdering monster, but he is a kid and deserves to examined with no pre-judged determination . What he did is obviously twisted and not normal,and he should never be free ,question is does he go to prison or a mental institution ?

  8. As a retired mental health nurse, I can assure you he's faking his psychosis (if that's what he's trying to pull off). Thankfully, an unbiased psychiatrist (not one brought in by either side as an expert witness) will see through his b.s. People seem to think it's easy to fake a psychotic episode but it's not. Nor is being attracted to a Satanic cult evidence of a mental health disorder.
    This little monster planned everything, including his diary notations and telling his girlfriend that's he's attracted to evil. He knew what he was doing was wrong. The questions are why he wanted to stab someone to death and who heard him say this and chose to ignore it; I'm talking about the adults in his life.
    I hope he gets a life sentence without the possibility of parole because regardless of what drove him to murder Tristyn, he's one dangerous individual who can never be trusted with his freedom.
    RIP Tristyn. My deepest condolences to those who love her. ❣❤

  9. As a medical professional who works closely with patients with delusions, I always find it so entertaining when people try to pretend they’re having delusions but have clearly never been around anyone with delusions, let alone actually have them! 😂 I’ve honestly never heard any of my patients with delusions state they’re confused, or ask what’s going on. Usually, they don’t even realize they’re confused and just confidently answer questions that were never asked, or when asked – reply with sentences that are either completely irrelevant or make no sense. And unless substance-induced, their delusions are generally rather believable (not everyone claims demons lol). Comedic act. Nonetheless, I do have to say – as much as I despise Aiden and his mom for what they have done, I am not fully sure he should be tried as an adult as it would be very hard to medically prove that a 13 year old boy truly has the insight of an adult!!!

  10. This is why you should live in Australia, I mean sure we have the worlds largest spiders, poisonous spiders and snakes and even snails but im only listing those very few things because I don’t feel like listing everything but trust me, they won’t harm you😊

  11. It’s amazing how people go into mental illness or victim of abuse mode when put on trial. This reported has a bit much sympathy for someone most likely vocable of not killing as well as killing

  12. Want to know what I just noticed? So in his letter that he wrote to the court, apologizing for what he did, he didn’t even have the respect and the common decency to spell her name right. But at 8:30, when you show the picture of him in the back of the cop car, he clearly DOES know her name, and DOES know how to spell it correctly. So now I wonder again, was he deliberately misspelling her name to throw another dig towards her, make her seem insignificant, or like she was not important enough to him for him to get her name spelled right? I don’t know, it may not even really mean anything. But I did notice it, and it did make me start wondering…

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