Woman poisons look-alike with cheesecake to steal identity; Teens beat teacher to death over grade – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A woman is sentenced to 21 years behind bars after attempting to kill her look-alike friend with a poisoned cheesecake and steal her identity. Plus, two teens plead guilty to the fatal beating of their high school teacher after one of the boys received a bad grade.

Tracy Tamborra joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Tracy Tamborra
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50 thoughts on “Woman poisons look-alike with cheesecake to steal identity; Teens beat teacher to death over grade”
  1. I was poisoned by the children of my fiancé. He was 21 years older then me and had three teenagers. Let me just say that they hated me especially when their father proposed marriage. I didn’t see it coming. I spent a week in intensive care and almost died. I have a lifelong restraining order against all three of my husbands kids. The eldest one died of cancer 12 years ago so I don’t have to worry about him anymore. But the remaining adult children are not to come near me or my family. Hate, jealousy and envy are horrible traits in humans and when they bubble to the surface they can be deadly. The attempted murder left me with a phobia with food. It took me a long time to expect food from anyone and even though this happened over thirty years ago I still can’t touch Chinese restaurant food. I start to get anxious if someone mentions going to a Chinese restaurant. I simple cancel the invite. It was the chicken sweet and sour that was poisoned by them. I think human beings trust too much. We shouldn’t overlook red flags in people and my fiancé’s children were showing these red flags long before their father become my husband. I went on to marry John and the wedding was beautiful. John banned he’s children from attending the wedding. An AVO was already placed on all three of he’s kids. These little monsters were not going to win. John and I welcomed a new baby into our world a year later and we protected and guarded her from her step siblings. They tried to reach out to my daughter when she turned 21 but my daughter blocked them on face book. Oh and on the night before John and I were getting married we got some nasty phone calls. We know very well who was behind those calls.

  2. Nw i gotta worry about cheesecake fromtheneighbors, milkshakes from the kids {The Two Mr. Kissells starring robin tunney & John stamos where the wife made the milkshake & used her kids to do her dirty work} & mashed potatoes & randomly laced LSD steaks from the grocery store!!

  3. the criminologist lady is very intelligent. Shows different possible viewpoints. Additionally remains impartial throughout
    Impartiality is rare in journalism/reports & a breath of fresh air

  4. Most boys their age spent 1-2 years in solitary, in their bedroom,playing video games online.
    Violence, killing and stalking is what the vast majority of these games consist of.

    Something has happened to the minds of some youngsters, it’s true here in the U.K, rudeness, vulgar language. No respect.
    I honestly believe some kids are affected by that experience.

    Trying children as adults is ridiculous. Either you’re an adult or not. That’s an emotional justice system and not based on evidence.
    Frontal lobe development is absolutely important and that’s why youngsters are more likely to commit these horrific crimes

  5. All the accountability is on teachers….students have none and parents have none. I have taught elementary and I am currently teaching high school. My teaching peers and I discuss this all the time, and how terrible this makes us feel. We have no power and no support.

  6. She had the cajones to be a teacher in Fairfield–I commend her for that. Pretty sure they're going to be putos in prison and I hope everyone in their cell block speaks Spanish only.

  7. How could you be some stupid as to kill a teacher over grade??? What happens next??? Your future is over! There are many people who have bad thoughts, but they don’t act on them because hey either find a way to get rid of their anger or they think about the consequences.

  8. I truly think that 30 years ago, when smacks on the bum where basically banned, the beginning of children not understanding consequences began. They can get away with what they want to at home but the person that puts boundaries in place (teachers etc) are the bad guys in the eyes of children with issues.

  9. Teachers need to be fired if they are pushing their own politics and “woke “ cult , socialism upon their students . If your a math teacher you need to stick to teaching mathematics . Sorry but this ladies head is full of garbage , as is now the norm in the warped ,perverted and broken public schools system .

  10. This frontal lobe development is such a load of bs. I took 3 years of Spanish in middle school a d earned every grade I got, good or bad. I would never have blamed a teacher, let alone killed them!

  11. The argument regarding frontal lobe not being fully developed to m3 is an outright joke here. It seems to only apply when young men/teenagers commit serious crimes but is never brought up when young wom3n of the same age are suspected of serious crimes. 18 yr olds are allowed to vote and in most States have the right to buy unlimited firearms & amunition without any background checks. So they have the mental capacity and judgement to be able to handle spray guns @ will and vote but if they commit murder they're given a pass because their brain is not fully developed. Give me a break. It's just all about creating chaos and the lawyers making tons of ca$h when things go wrong.

  12. Restitution is another form of recidivism. I'm the process of having a debt to society and the victim, the offender loses time freedom, having now a debit to the courts it is assumed a unpaid loan to consumer credit reporting agencies. That brand negatively for job housing and once again where is an outlaw to find rehabilitation?

  13. Teacher murder… the dark-haired teenager was the one that was behind her murder, he got the blonde-haired teen to help him. And the reason why he did it was because that grade was going to bring his GPA down, so he wouldn't have been able to enter into the college he wanted to get in, on scholarship. No excuse, but that was the motive. Revenge over the fact that she wouldn't change it.

  14. I work at an elementary school in the special needs classroom and it’s insane! I’ve been kicked, bit, hit, spit at (in my face!!), and called a stupid b*tch so yeah it’s getting worse and worse!! But the world I feel like is getting worse and worse!!

  15. People are always saying I’m weird because I don’t like cheesecake!!! Lol
    Motives nowadays are so ridiculous and disgusting!!! What kind of GPA are you going to have in PRISON idiot!!??

  16. The cheesecake case is nuts! I heard of another woman who hunted down others that resembled her bc she wanted to fake her own death. One woman fell for it and was horribly, and brutally murdered. Thank goodness she was caught.

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