Mother stabbed over 50 times by her handyman lover – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Podcast updates: The peaceful neighborhood of Forest Hills, Queens, in New York woke up to the shocking news that a woman’s body had been found in a duffel bag with a trail of blood leading back to her home. Officials identified the victim as 51-year-old Orsolya Gaal. Her throat had been slashed and she was stabbed more than 50 times.

During the investigation, detectives learned that Orsolya had been having a 2-year on-and-off affair with her handyman, David Bonola. The night Orsolya was killed, David allegedly went over to her house to talk to her. The two then reportedly got into an argument.

He was indicted in May 2022 on murder and other charges, and in November, he pleaded guilty to manslaughter. A judge sentenced him to 25 years in prison.

Let’s look back at the discussion Rodney Diggs and I had about the heartbreaking case of a mother’s murder that sent shockwaves around a close-knit community.


36 thoughts on “Mother stabbed over 50 times by her handyman lover”
  1. Oh dear, I have been following true crime daily for years from Barbados. I started in my teens with Agatha Christy's novels . I am now 80 and never once felt like killing anyone. My dream was to be in forensics, did not happen, became a nurse instead, but still follow crime stories. In my day they were stories, sadly now it is true.
    Sad for her children 😢😢

  2. I think cuffing the 13 year old was TOTALLY unnecessary! The 112th precinct was known back in the day for how inept they were and perhaps still are.
    This woman chuckling about the ‘handyman’ sticker on the fridge.

  3. Sexually immoral ppl go to hell when they die. Get married and be a faithful spouse. 1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.KJV…  1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord

  4. Stabbed over 50 times, but those wounds on a woman can't be compared with a wound in his heart stabbed by his lover. Why the handyman stabbed this woman? I guess the woman played a cheating game.

  5. We see this everyday. People who have everything and risk it all with affairs.
    And she was actually having MULTIPLE affairs, police questioned multiple men who were romantically Involved. She was staying busy for sure, dirty.

  6. So is there actual proof that she had an affair with him? What if he tried to make a move and she rejected and he deleted her cause of that. When people are gonna realize that most of these so called handymen are just illegal trash that are trying to prey on people.

  7. Omg im so sick 🤢🤢 of woman kids pregnant woman teenagers old woman being murdered sad how can meet someine be love bombed then they become the murderer god bless her she must have been petrified knowing she was being attacked rip 😭 god bless her children no mother so sad rip

  8. I disagree that you laugh about how people would go online to learn how to attract a woman this man was struggling!!! Not everyone is stupid because they want to learn from online videos! What is sick and troubling is that he murdered her… but don’t make others look bad because they look up on video how to attract a woman!

  9. Domestic Violence crimes transcend economic status. This is HUMAN behavior and ALL THE MORE LIKELY to happen in these affluent areas where it can be easily covered up because some people naively believe "it doesn't happen there." 🙄🙄🙄

  10. I like updates and I would love your videos but just watching you from the same room all the time is boring as hell. Look at dateline or 20/20 and take a learning lesson. Boring. Moving to a better update video.

  11. This had nothing to do with the neighborhood. Why take so much time discussing your town to prove to others its safe. This was personal a murder committed because of an affair with her killer.

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