Wrongful Conviction: How a false confession led to a 16-year prison sentence for an innocent teen – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: Jeffrey Descovic was only a teenager when he was coerced into a false confession for the brutal assault and murder of a classmate. After 16 years behind bars, DNA evidence exonerated him and revealed the real killer had taken another victim.

Jeffrey Deskovic & Jia Wertz join Ana Garcia.

Read the report on Jeffrey’s wrongful conviction: https://www.westchesterda.net/Jeffrey%20Deskovic%20Comm%20Rpt.pdf

Check out Jia’s documentary here:

Ana Garcia

Jeffrey Deskovic


Jia Wertz
Check out Jia’s podcast “Speaking of Crime” here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/speaking-of-crime/id1527802216
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43 thoughts on “Wrongful Conviction: How a false confession led to a 16-year prison sentence for an innocent teen”
  1. Our government hands out so much corporate welfare. They should be funding things like The Innocence Project instead of giving multi-million dollar tax refunds to corporations that pay zero in taxes.

  2. Anyone who is wrongfully convicted should immediately receive at least a monthly stipend of $10k/month from the governmemt entity that wrongly convicted them until any lawsuits are settled

  3. This poor and humble man has lost so much and still he is a fighter. I am so glad he got the help and that he finally got tho show everyone that he is Innocent. I hope the police and DA who worked the case that put him in jail got fired and reprimanded and I hope that they suffer emotionally every single day for what they have done to this man.

  4. Imagine this: you are in a courtroom. You are wrongly accused. You are listening to the victim's family in the back of the courtroom, hating your very soul and existence. They read out their victim impact statements. They are barbed and target you- you who are innocent. Is there anything worse?

  5. The detectives that push this through without doing their job and really investigating should have to give him 16 years of their life. They should be his slaves for that 16 years each, Whatever they make in the next sixteen years should go to him

  6. We can't lie to police, without facing possible charges.
    Of all people, LEOs should not be allowed to lie to us! When the SCOTUS said LEOs could lie, "in certain, life threatening cases, or cases where they need to find a kidnapped person or body, LEOs have taken advantage of that, and lie in traffic stops, and every day situations! What they did was create mistrust in LE! I would hope and pray, someone would get a case to the SCOTUS, where lying by police is involved, like this case, and everyone involved was convinced by the officers that this was the killer, and just because they didn't have the evidence to convict him, doesn't mean he's innocent, and they convinced the medical examiner, the prosecutor, the judge, and "witnesses", to lie under oath, or not allow exculpatory evidence to be seen and heard by the jury, causing an innocent young boy to be convicted of something he didn't do! They need to end their acceptance of lying, and end qualified immunity. I believe the SCOTUS had no right basically making law, when they gave LEOs, prosecutors, and judges, qualified immunity, in the first place! It, too, has been abused.

  7. What happened to the officers who lied, tricked, and didn't record all of the interrogations? I imagine they're retired with big fat retirements. I hope you included them, in both their personal and professional capacity, in lawsuits!

  8. My god, I'm so sorry (to the child who was murdered, and All loved ones, 😔obviously ), and yo Heff, holy F, I am sorry
    It's unimaginable
    And, if your family members really believed you didn't do it, shame on them for not helping w/your defense.
    My heart breaks for everything you went through

  9. My heart swells listening to this story. This injustice happens too often. There must be penalties for these deliberate acts, that doesn't include mistakes, that different. I am so glad he found some sort of freedom, he puts his faith in the right source as God is always on time.

  10. I’m sorry but the evidence against Adnan Saied is clear as day. He is guilty. Unbelievable you’re hosting someone with so little critical thinking and credibility that would claim his innocence.

  11. GOD BLESS JEFFREY, what an incredible young man he is! After what the system has put him through, he shines on. 'Lady Justice is NOT FAIR & EQUAL FOR ALL' people-depends who you are. The prosecutors & detectives involved in these wrongful convictions must be held accountable & prosecuted! They wasted over 6 weeks trailing & cornering Jeffrey, all while the REAL MURDERER GOT AWAY BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T INTERESTED IN THE EVIDENCE IN THIS CRIME.

  12. I'm flabbergasted about the amount of wrongful convictions in the US. It tells me there's something fundamentally wrong with the justice-system. Corrupt detectives, unreliable prosecutors and what else. Every time I hear of someone in the US leaving prison innocently after many years, I feel so sad for them, because of all the lost years that they can't get back! American government is too proud to learn from a number of countries in Western and Northern Europe. Those that hardly put innocent people in prison. Makes me wonder why they don't want to find out how it s done here. Pride doesn't do any good.

  13. Just like Archie the 1 who join AGT he sits in jail for 36yrs for wrongful it's the Innocence Projects that help him.
    Sometimes the investigator are just lazy to find the true culprit so they will just pressure innocent person to put in jail sad but it's a facts 😢

  14. Not only did they wrongfully convict an innocent 16yr old, their lies tarnished the girl's character claiming she was promiscuous when she had been a VIRGIN, how on God's earth do they justify their actions???what moral campus do they operate under??

  15. Investigators (law enforcement) are supposed to follow the hard evidence, are they not? Are there any stories about someone like this giving a false confession and law enforcement refusing to bring charges because the confession just cannot be true? Or is it that because someone wants the confession to fit, they find a way to shove the square peg into the round hole?

  16. I pray for justice against everyone who helped convicted this 16 year old teenager get the same sentence type in their lives, or make it restitution to him and his family and his endeavors to help prevent innocent people 😢❤.

  17. Wow, this story has to go viral. I will definitely save this story to remind me that if he was able to overcome his life, we can all make it through our lives. He has accomplished so much. Thank you Jeff for sharing the story, thank you Innocent Project for the time taken in looking into the case and thank you true crime for bringing the story to the surface. ❤❤❤❤❤

  18. What baffles me here is how this medical examiner is not IN PRISON AND THE COPS THAT DID THIS, INCLUDING THE PROSECUTION.. if none of this people pay than nothing will change. The people need to focus on this particular issue. How many people are still in prison because of this. The judge did the the worse to, he should be sued personally, he should lose all license and pay restriction. I would like to see him in jail to. All this the people need to protest for change not for a man that's a criminal dying in the hands of police like the cop that shot him by mistake. She wasn't a criminal it was a mistake. Yet people protested against this bull shit. What about this man and hundreds come on people

  19. What I don't get is the jurors, how fking dare u convict a man, nor man a 17 year old boy just because he said I admit it😮😳😳😳come on. Knowing his 17, had no lawyer, no parents ect.. you have to be a dumb calculated person, evil and cold hearted as human being…the tunnel vision is worse than police so shame on this American jurors… how do they sleep st night being a juror and not understand what your job is. U should immediately step down if u don't care for true justice

  20. Hi, I have a question, as a British English speaker, I'm not sure of the meaning or y'all and the context it can be used in. Thanks love your podcast, listen all the time while out running in the south of Spain, always on the look out for suspects 😮

  21. What a warrior! So proud of his perseverance to succeed even after all his struggles. There is no excuse to give up and he is proof of that. Congratulations to him and I hope that the people that were involved in his mistrial are paying the price for it.

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