Angry ex accused of killing divorce attorney; Billionaire couple slain and bodies staged – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: After a contentious divorce, an attorney was allegedly shot and killed by a client’s ex-husband. Plus, a family offering nearly $35 million in reward money for information leading to the killer of their billionaire parents.

Sean Farrow joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Sean Farrow:

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37 thoughts on “Angry ex accused of killing divorce attorney; Billionaire couple slain and bodies staged”
  1. The divorce settlement seems excessive, He had to give her the house, alimony, her legal fees, plus 50% of his retirement income. Why, so much more than he could retain for himself? Was the judge punishing him? Was not fair. She might have been as much to blame for the marriage breakdown.

  2. Anybody with sense looking at that scene knows it wasn't a murder/suicide. Police lied and tried to frame it, manipulate it to a murder/suicide = case closed, "we solved it". Sherman's kids had money to refute the police lie, a lie that would have denied real justice to the Sherman kids, had they been stupid enough to believe the police lie. Absolutely zero luck for the rest of us.

  3. Are you seriously claiming that the man who murdered his wife's divorce attorney did it because of money?
    I'm sorry but that is just ignorance about DV!
    It was obviously about losing the power he had had over his wife and about how he felt like he was being disrespected having to pay the legal fees for her leaving him.
    He could just as well have murdered her, it would have served the same purpose to him, but this time the scorn ex-husband took it out on her attorney instead.
    It was about power, control and about him losing face because of the ruling. The money he would have to pay was merely a symbol of his defeat.

  4. facts u got wrong there is a number. Realtor left pool area startled there was only light from inside the pool they were in far corner of room she ran up stairs and told cleaning lady who was there all ready she was first person that day. Realtor told her to go down and check which is weird but not what you said. By the way the walking man is not some guy walking Toronto police said he is the killer. He walks with a limp this would be a distinctive foot print. Go back look at news footage of the day body’s were found the driveway was covered in snow even tire prints that were ice tracks which happens with snow that’s been there for while . The wife went in the house threw side door she was know for that. As detectives you would think they would find foot prints in the snow. And foot prints with a right print that steps irregulary. but my theory is contract killer was casing them for weeks and left car 2 miles from house they say that camera that caught him was mile from house he would not walk blindely he most likely planed that walk. He may of been aware of that camera and faked his walk. You will notice he looks straight ahead and head up . My point is they must of found foot prints and things. i don’t know i want that reward money. I will get to how u did it johnny. One other side note they had a very creepy statue of two weird artistic people two woman and man one had its legs crossed. a lot like the body’s were posed. The children were know too hate that statue along with the cousin. I find that very vital to the mystery i think it tells a lot. But what do i know. just know i want the 10 million i don’t think Johnny would be able to pay it behind bars. …..INSIDE JOB PROFESSIONAL HIT MAN. Was paid some and paid out after apotex was sold by Johnny.

  5. Did he really have to have him charged with contempt though? Couldn't set up a payment plan? Sounds like the attorney was a prick. Was he going to have money? Sounds like she took it all.

  6. Even the hitman might consider the prize money of CAD 30 million to come out and confess become a state witness against the person who hired him, negotiate a lighter sentence for being the star witness. Maybe the family inheriting the wealth don't want the crime to be solved. Someone did them a favour that is if they themselves not behind the crime.

  7. Honey was known as treating lesser humans as dirt that makes enemies and that makes a lot of people angry God wont be happy either greed is a mortal sin Barry was severly OCD now dead with nothing at all some people never learn maybe next life will be diferent

  8. Who was the Shermanator?
    5 years and counting. After year 4 the Police released a video of a suspect. Really?Minutes after some fool gooses a subway rider there's a video shown of the unsub.
    Makes me wonder more and more of the Sherman association with the Liberal Party of Canada.
    No level of Police will touch this.

  9. Toronto Police destroyed the investigation by doing nothing. 5 weeks later the autopsy showed they've been murdered. They did come home at different times so it would have been easy to kill Honey first and Barry when he entered the door a couple of hours later. Barry had many enemies, some in the family and a lot in the pharmacy business. Police claiming it do be a murder suicide case, in the beginning, is preposterious.

  10. OH I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHY HE KILLED , BUT HE KILLED THE WRONG ONE SHLD HAVE BEEN THE JUDGE , LIKE COME ON TWO GROWN UPS GOING THERE SEPARATE WAYS , THINGS ARE NEVER FAIR TO THE MEN!!! Never FAIR TO THE MEN, 140 thousand he has to give her , then he has to give her half of his retirement , Pay her attorneys fees & 500 hundred dollars A month COME ON JUDGES BE FOR REAL !!!! THESE JUDGES BRUTALLY SCREW OVER THE MEN WHEN IT COMES TO DIVORCE AND CHILD-SUPPORT!!! THEY WANT U TO TAKE CARE OF EVERYONE ELSE NO MATTER IF IT MEAN U CANT SHELTER UR SELF I MEAN IT EVEB GETS AS BAD AS NOT BEING ABLE TO FEED UR SELF !!! LIKE ITS NOT FAIR , and after all these killings You would think the judges would care about that more and handle things fair to the point both parties come out at least equal !!

  11. Who ever did this themselves or had it done has the law in there pocket thats obvious. The law would have been on this with a fine tooth comb . Its one of the kids or its the guy he was going to court with about who owns the business. Either one benefits.

  12. No, not “money is the root of all evil”…
    “the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”!

    I Timothy 6;10
    New International Version
    For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

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