Border patrol agent turned serial killer; Griner prisoner swap; Cop’s murder trial – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Christopher Melcher joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the release of Brittney Griner following a prisoner swap (2:19), disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti’s sentence after pleading guilty to defrauding his clients (8:35), the Trump Organization’s tax fraud conviction (15:31), the trial of former police officer Aaron Dean in the shooting of Atatiana Jefferson (19:57), and Juan David Ortiz’s life sentence after a jury found him guilty of the murder of four sex workers (32:40).

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35 thoughts on “Border patrol agent turned serial killer; Griner prisoner swap; Cop’s murder trial – TCD Sidebar”
  1. 4:20 – The commentary on the Griner case is a bit one sided and misleading. E.g. if she had flown from Colorado to Florida and for some reason had her bag searched in Florida, she would be looking at a third degree felony, punishable with up to five years. The whole Russia is more draconian than the US on marijuana thing is really rich considering it's legal in parts of the country and a felony a few states over.

  2. Kk I. M: 😊🥰🙂🥰🙃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😇🙃😇😇🙃🤣🙃🥰😇😇🥰🤣🤣🥰🤣🥰🥰🥰🙃🙃🥰🥰🤣🙃🙂🥰🤣🙃🥰🙂🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🙂🙂😘🙂✈️💺🛰✈️⛵️🧲🪒🗝🗝🛁📑

  3. Ignorance of the law, be if fair or unfair law, is no excuse, and no way was the lord of war only worth a wnba player, hell not ever the top nba player would that have been a reasonable deal. I dont think the Marine would be happy to have been the reason as to why the lord of war was released but at least they would be getting back someone more deserving of being released from Russia.

  4. And Biden gave back a terrorist that kills Americans to free a black NBA star pandering to the black community that will get more Americans and other people in the world killed for making that deal I would have left her ass in jail she brought drugs into another country that's on her he should have freed our marine and left that terrorist in prison

  5. The Avenatti case sounds a lot like the Alex Murdaugh situation being investigated in South Carolina, aside from the fact that Murdaugh is the primary suspect in the deaths of his wife and son.

  6. Kettle calling the pot black,the USA put folks in jail for life for the 3 strike law,folks caught with a small amount of weed,3times and to die in jail,she got caught fair and square, every USA citizen is a target,in every country now,and as for Avanti,is that the guy that was to be the future president of the USA LOL,so CNN says,wee Brian stelter said pmsl 😂🤣😂

  7. I don't understand and I don't think I ever will. The freedoms we have in the United States are not given free. Our soldiers have died to fight for us. Not saying all soldiers are amazing awesome people, war changes people. My point is you break a law in another country you can't expect the same outcomes as you would here. Pot is illegal federally and in many states including mine. If you're going to negotiate with a country like Russia at least make it for someone who is in a worse way.

  8. The most ridiculous exchange!! She was brought back to USA only because she black and lesbian! She ticked off all the boxes ✅ america doesn’t care about their marine personnel! She committed the crime and she most definitely should serve the time!! You are going to the foreign country and if you decided to risk it and bring drugs then you gotta serve the time!!

  9. Hi Josh and Chris. Glad to see you on here Chris, I’m normally used to seeing you on PP. The case that got to me the most was the wrongful shooting of Atatiana. I get that Officers are on high alert when they go to these call outs, but this Officer admitted he was more interested in catching the bad guy. His main objective should’ve been keeping himself and the female officer safe. I’m also concerned that the DA’s only charged 2nd Degree Murder. As both you and Chris mentioned they should’ve had manslaughter in there as well. 2nd Degree is much harder to meet the elements of the crime. I’m thinking to what a juror in the Casey Anthony trial said recently about the prosecution not proving the elements for 1st degree murder. The juror said, if they had a manslaughter option, they would’ve found her guilty of that. I look forward to the update of this case. Thanks as always for a great video.

  10. My understanding of the police officer who shot the babysitter is that when the 911 call came in. It was stated I don’t think there is a crime. The door is open. Basically asking for someone to do a welfare check. Then they shouldn’t have assumed there was a burglar on scene. They definitely should have identified themselves. I feel bad for the child who had to witness this and then be questioned.
    As for the prisoner swap. Most people are told to abide by the country’s laws that you are visiting. She didn’t just have a vape, she had marijuana. She knew it was illegal in that country and she did admit her guilt. I don’t feel like 9 years should have been the sentence. Maybe a year, but then again I do not know Russian laws. To be exchanged for an arms dealer? I thought that was a bit much. Doesn’t make me feel safe knowing we let that man out. Also I was under the impression we do not negotiate? George Bush and Clinton said we do not negotiate because stuff like this would happen. Prisoner swap was never on the tables before

  11. 🐂
    Hostage ?
    Get over yourself ..they played basketball and is no one of important to anyone but their family ..
    Swapping a basket ball player for some one who is known as a gun runner … is ridiculous ..
    Hostage 😛.. they /them broke the law ..

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