This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: Ex-NYPD cop Michael Valva was convicted of second-degree murder after freezing his 8-year-old son to death as punishment. Plus, two students allegedly planned and carried out the murder of their teacher, all over a bad grade.

Alison Triessl joins host Ana Garcia.

Ana Garcia

Alison Triessl:


Check out our previous coverage of the Thomas Valva’s tragic case:

Initial Report:


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28 thoughts on “Cop convicted of killing son with autism; Teens charged with murdering teacher over bad grade”
  1. The father was also pissed that the children wanted to be with their mother, bruised his ego. There’s a recording of him getting the children to repeat that they love him and Angela and want to stay with him and that their mother was a bad person. Evil beyond!

  2. You don't have to be a cop to get away with what you are doing; Adam Montgomery (a felon) avoided Child Services for 2 yrs. He murdered his daughter, and for 2 yrs nobody checked on her.

  3. Recently Willard interrogation came out on YouTube and he LIES the whole way. He put it all on Jeremy and said there was a group of kids he didn't know. Then tried to tell his mom to tell them he was with her all day.

  4. Damned cold day in hell indeed. Cannot comment what i feel should happen to this “father”. Once again why the hell are tax payers funding CPS for such a very horrific job many them do? Once again this so called father and CPS failed this child so horrifically, sadly and needlessly.

  5. this case broke my heart for the children and the mother. i heard judge zimmermen who awarded michael valva custody resigned. she was not a neutral non bias judge, i hope the mother goes after this judge as well

  6. It doesn't matter if you leave your front door unlocked… That's not an invitation for strangers to come in and crawl into your bed! When I was growing up in Los Angeles, nobody in our neighborhood locked their doors and nobody ever took that as an invitation!

  7. The teacher – I had a fantastic French teacher for two years then we got a new teacher who was awful. We complained to school management and were eventually told the next pupil who complained would get expelled! What does that tell you?? At no point did we consider killing her though. I got into trouble when we were to make up sentences about things we did not like and I said (in French) I hated the French teacher – not the brightest comment I have ever made I have to admit and oh boy was I pulled up at parents' evening. She was shortly removed however after parents also started complaining. But while my approach was wrong we never once thought about doing the lady in for heaven's sake.

  8. Why this jury had to deliberate for more than 5 minutes is beyond me and thank God the girlfriend got found guilty also but they both should have gotten the death penalty .We now know that the youngest one that was kept inside the home with the girls and The Father and Mother and was still punching his Father to get to his Mom is very telling isn't it ,who knows what all these monsters did to those little boys that the cameras didn't catch and I still say ,they both should have gotten the death penalty .There is messages between Micheal and the girlfriend where he's telling her his children will not be mistreated so She's as guilty as he is ,obviously he started abusing his children right along with Her ,monsters both of them .

  9. There are more than 700,000 cops in the United States with New York having double the amount compared to the rest of the country. The ratio is appr 3 cops per 1000 people it’s not always easy to tell which one is going to commit crimes. Unfortunately this cop doesn’t fit any scenario used to understand what makes this cop do the things he did such as leaving the state police to work for county police or sheriffs department. I look forward to the trial and more information about who and what he did before working as a cop.

  10. Any time DCF is involved it seems like more often than not, the child is ultimately killed. Obviously if they're involved the kid is already in danger, and since DCF doesn't take appropriate action, or the kid gets sent to an even worse situation, the child really never even had a chance 😢

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