In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: Michelle and Braulio Castillo and their five children lived in a multimillion-dollar Colonial-style home in Virginia not far from the nation’s capital. But behind those brick walls and the palatial exterior lived a broken marriage and a wife fearing for her life.

On March 19, 2014, Michelle and Braulio finalized their divorce terms, though Braulio wasn’t exactly ecstatic about some of the proposals. Michelle filed an order of protection against him and requested between $14,000 and $17,000 in child support each month.

That same night, Michelle picked up her kids from Braulio’s home and went out to celebrate with friends after qualifying for the Boston Marathon. However, she would never even have a chance to run those 26 miles…

On March 20, 2014, Michelle and Braulio’s kids called Braulio to say their mom was missing. Braulio had a neighbor check the house because he wasn’t allowed to go inside, and the neighbor called the police.

Officers arrived and discovered Michelle hanged herself from a shower head with an electric cord. Or did she?

Detectives noticed injuries on her body that didn’t exactly align with suicide, including bruising on her shins and all over her body, signaling a possible staging.

Braulio became a prime suspect, and cadaver dogs helped lock him down when they were alerted to his scent in Michelle’s home. He was arrested for murder, and, in 2016, convicted thanks to powerful testimony from their children. Michelle had been suffocated and strangled, and her body was staged to appear like a self-inflicted hanging.

A judge sentenced him to life in prison, plus 16 years. He appealed his conviction, but in June 2019, an appeals court in Virginia affirmed the lower court’s ruling.

Let’s take a look back at the tragic case of a loving mother killed in what she believed to be the safety of her own home.


32 thoughts on “Mother’s murder staged as suicide by ex-husband in multi-million dollar home”
  1. So anyone can claim to be a wounded veteran and no one checks to see if they were actually in fact ever in our military before giving out multi million dollar contracts?

  2. This broke my heart.
    I knew right away…the monster was already in the house.
    He manipulated his little boy for the pass code. Gave him his security blanket as he took the ONLY SECURITY the children had! To the teen son. Im so sorry! Your old enough to understand the entire tragedy and has to suffer inside every day. You will see Mom again because I happen to KNOW HEAVEN IS REAL. I cant tell how I know but I KNOW!! Mom is alive and well in our eternal home. Live your best life and have FAITH in Jesus and maybe one day Jesus will surprise you! God bless everyone who worked this case and who has been deeply hurt by this awful loss!

  3. That 9yr only getting on that stand in front of tons of ppl that he did not know and said my dad brought me my blanket that night…. I seen his face. That is 1 brave baby boy. His mom was smiling down on him that day and was right there with him. Her kids are amazing young men. The one didn't want it to be his dad bit new that it was. It's hard on him to process it. What kid can process the fact that his dad killed his mom. That's something I couldn't handle as an adult. She did everything right she got away from him an all. She told ppl if I get killed my ex did it. She should of had more protection bit he was in that home without anyone knowing and waited till the kids went to sleep well mostly asleep but he messed up on his part but thankfully he did because they wad able to arrest him because his son told them his dad brought the blanket to him. That helped tge case out alot an there was blood on the clothes. DNA dont lie. He shouldn't have his DNA anywhere in that home sense he wad no longer allowed to be there. Thankfully ppl don't think about DNA touch DNA gets everywhere. And if your not allowed in the home then no need for any touch DNA to be in there.

  4. I went threw a abusive relationship before I had kids. Tpo do NOT work. Plz woman when that 1st red flag shows take it an run. Get away before it gets bad. They show signs. When they get mad over small things they buy you things when they do that run when they try to say someone is not good enough for you they are not looking put they are relying to get you away from ppl so they can have you to theirsekf. Run… learn how to use a gun. Let them know you have a weapon an know how to use it an it goes everywhere. Make sure to document everything from having police reports pics neighbors all that. Make sure others know. Get cameras an don't let the person know where they are at or any password that you use. Make sure neighbors know that if they see anything to call the cops. It's better to be safe then sorry to many kids an woman are losing their life because of a ex or even because of their spouse or other half. Plz take care of yourself. Remember that 1st red flag run it does not get better. I was 16 he was 26 I thiyfht it was cool bur now I see it as child abuse an all that. He beat the hell out of me an had everyone believing I was the crazy one because I was young. The cops are the only ones that tried to help me. I didn't know that if your with someone an they try to rape you that it wad rape till the cops told me. He threw me down on the side of the road an tried to make me give him head with me nephew in the car I had a huge lump on my head an needed to see a doctor. I got home finally dropped my nephew off an they called the cops cause they seen me muddy an all. I todl the cops I was with him so they couslnt do anything then theye xpkained to me that no thats not how it works if I say no then it's no am on top of that there was a baby in the car he left him alone he threw me in the ground an all that. He finally went to jail after he burned my aunts house. Now he is Married to my cousins EX WIFE an they have 3 kids together she has a kid with my cousin an a older girl with someone else. He has all girls. Pay back for him he did 2 years in jail. Hot out on parole. He found me even tho I moved out of state he showed up. That's how he met my cousins ex. They all moved back to GA now when they see the kids he still talks about me to them. My aunt told him he was married with kids I had kids he needed to forget he said I can't. The wife domt say anything. But we sene her with bruises somehow my cousin jadnt got his kid tho. THr courts want give her to gim even tho he is ex military an he has his iwn home with his daughter an step son living there. The court even knows what he did to me. Ga can be backwards sometimes.

  5. More acceptable, understandable, tolerable, less horrific if it was a shack? Or if it was with few hundred thousand? Or $50k?
    Someone was murdered. No matter the income level of the participants, it's despicable. Disgusting. Vile.

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