In this episode of Crime Watch Daily Updates: A survivor speaks out against her abuser. Chloe Howey grew up in and out of foster care and was legally adopted by Michael Hines and his new wife, Patricia. Her new life in the Hines household became a nightmare.

Michael sexually and physically abused Chloe on nearly a daily basis and, when she was 13, she became pregnant with his child. Chloe gave birth to a boy named Tyler, but the abuse continued. One night, Michael shot a gun at her and threatened to kill her. Chloe called the police and he was finally arrested.

In 2007, he pleaded guilty to rape and was sentenced to 48 years and 10 months in prison.

Then, a new sentencing law that passed in 2012 changed everything. He appealed his time behind bars and in 2016, was resentenced to 23 years and nine months. His new earliest possible release date is August 10, 2027.

Let’s take a look back at the case of a young woman who stood up to her abusers and refused to stay quiet.


42 thoughts on “Dad who impregnated adopted daughter gets sentence reduced”
  1. Considering how I was raped only once in my life and the trauma it's left behind. I can't even begin to fathom the amount of pain this girl has went through. To have it happen on a daily basis since she was 12 (a child) by the man who is supposed to be her father and got impregnated by him as well. The amount of anger I experienced watching this is probably only 10% of what she felt when everyone let her down and especially that "mother" who said she was lying to her face. It's disgusting they let him only serve 24 years, since what he did was COMPLETELY dehumanizing and shows he cannot function in this world without being a predator.

  2. This is proof you can do what ever you want as a woman and not get sentence even uf it's ur own daughters there no way she didn't know like her being pregnant or her and her other daughter telling her what happen to others like wtf

  3. Was DNA done on her baby. Thats proof of rape right there! More time should be added for making a 13 year old endure pregnancy and delivery of a baby at such a young age!
    I know a man who is passed away now from addiction that was adopted and raped by the man who adopted him!! These people are sick sick monsters!! They need to be held accountable with heavy sentences!!! ENOUGH!

  4. I just don’t understand. Did she give birth before or after she told the counselor? I’m thinking before but if it was before then they must have KNOWN the dad molested her because you can’t hide a pregnant belly. Was she just not in school then??? So many questions

  5. These a$$holes always get such low sentences, when they are finally caught, and we all know that if one victim tells of the abuse that there are many more who didn't! I don't understand why this guy was even aloud to adopt anyone, with a criminal record. He is not remorseful, if he claims that he doesn't know why he did it. That "mother" needs to be arrested as an accessory to his crimes.

  6. What a disgusting woman her foster mother was. She knew what her husband was doing but said nothing because he was her means of support. Vile woman. There's a special place in H. for that woman, and only wish she was there now. Chloe has already risen above the monsters and what they were guilty of.

  7. She was failed by all , school , the cops . Resentence for what a monster living and breathing .
    Evil and his wife that condone his behavior, shame on her .I love you in Jesus’Name.❤❤❤❤❤

  8. Men who rape should be casterated..this angers me beyond measure, I was raped by 2men at the same time,and they got away with it, I was 16 at the time..I'm now 63,and it still fresh in my mind..I never received any counseling or therapy and I'm a survivor..and those 2 bastards deserve all trouble they bring upon themselves..believe it or not I had to forgive them for my own soul or my heavenly Father wouldn't forgive me..but I'll NEVER FORGET!!

  9. This is a common issue in this county and why people need to stop celebrating when neglected and abused children are placed in foster care or adopted. Often children go from worse conditions to even more worse conditions thanks to states that have no clue on how to truly protect and provide for vulnerable children, who through no fault of their own find themselves at the mercy of strangers. Why did lawmakers do this to people like this young woman? Kansas failed her when she was in and out of foster care, and now you want to fail her all over again.

  10. I hope he’s in general population. What he did to this girl is by far the worst thing you can do to anyone. Predators should be castrated. No mercy for the wicked. I feel that the “mom” knew what was happening to Christina/Chloe and was jealous that her significant other was interested in lil girls. That monster even abused his very own daughter. I will never understand why people commit deviant crimes towards children.

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