Deputy Alex Cox – Nye County Sheriff’s Office, NV
Deputy Cox responds to a keep the peace call to assist with a custody transfer. For the last four years grandmother has been taking care of her son’s three kids, since he is in jail and the mother lives in Florida and at one time was unable to care for her very loved kids. The mother feels her kids are in danger with grandmother and the grandmother feels kids will be broken up and mentally and physically abused by there mother. Deputies explains how they are there to keep the peace and can’t interfere with the court order. During the interviews it is apparent that both sides love the kids, but the kids are very confused to what is happening. In the end the kids go with their mother in her van to start a new life in Florida.
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27 thoughts on “Mother’s Day, Deputy Alex Cox, COPS TV SHOW”
  1. This is not a one off. There is garbage like this all over the place. That tells you all that you need to know. This is a direct result of the society that we live in. You know that Christian caring one.
    When the members of that cult get together for a couple of hours on a Sunday and act all pious. As they file out of the church all shaking hands and smiling. When everyone from the minister on down knows that it is a big charade. These people are the detritus left behind by the dirty deals that those pious ones spend all week cooking up and pulling off. Those dirty deals have consequences. One of the worst is that it breaks people. This is what those broken people look and act like.

  2. What a Jerry Springer show this family! The late Rush Limbaugh used to refer to these kind of talk shows as an “endless parade of human debris.” Even though this is COPS and not Jerry Springer, I think the description of “endless parade of human debris” applies here. Poor child!

  3. Yup the bad guy showed up to ruin
    A family 👪 wow its truely shocking maybe ask the kids where they ve been staying dont go check make sure the moms tellin the truth makes u sick dont it cops yhink they are saving the day when they are actually making shit way worse thanks for the protection and the service i guess lol when im ur boss technically

  4. The cop made some valid points here by pointing out if the parents are really out there for the best interest of the kids or they're trying to win a personal victory for themselves because they hate the other party so much. There are also parents who have that "mine, not yours" mindset where they'll try to take and keep the kids because they want to dictate that they belong to only them, not the grandparents or anybody else. Getting law enforcement involved in child custody disputes isn't worth police time unless a court order has been violated because their focus is more on handling criminal matters, not civil matters like this that should be sorted out in court with valid evidence. I would like to see an update on how this family is doing now.

  5. Jesus, between the cost of incarceration, SSI, AFDC, SNAP, housing assistance, medicare, EITC, and the rest of the fed and state welfare programs what do you figure this bunch costs the rest of us every year?

  6. Damn she had them kids since they were babies? If you know you ain't responsible enough to take care of them, why not sign over rights. Why make your children go down in the dirt with you, wouldn't you want them to have a better and comfortable life than you have at the moment.

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