Hard Time S04 E05: Judgement Day – Everything Law and Order Blog

The Clark County District Court is located just a few feet from the Clark County Detention Center in L.A.. Prison and court are connected by a tunnel system through which the prisoners enter the courtroom under strict surveillance. Hard Time 5 shows how tense the trial is for three inmates. The verdict decides on their future and their hopes.


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


44 thoughts on “Hard Time S04 E05: Judgement Day”
  1. After spending 3 years in prison he was freed. What justice is that? 3 years behind bars and he was not guilty. There is something very wrong US justice system.

  2. Mr Slaughter failed to play the system,having the casing from the round that hit a victim being found in his car is the only exculpatory evidence required really.Conversely,Mr Rios deserved his acquittal on so many levels,not least being his still suffering the effects of a recent stroke.

  3. If you call winning the case "lucky", well… Should your mindset not be it would only be rightful to win the case since you are innocent? Not, if I am lucky, I win? xD

  4. There's something very screwy about a system where someone can spend years in gaol without being convicted of the crime.

  5. 99 percent of them are guilty. Only a few manage to turn their lives around. Society is better off with them confined to a prison or jail. The only thing I find sad about documentaries from prison regarding serious sentences lasting decades upon decades, or life, is how insignificant their stories, feelings, expressions and thoughts are. As soon as they are locked up their lives is basically over. Their opinions are irrellevant. Their whole existence is. Its like they are already dead, just waiting for the reaper, and nobody cares. 99,9999 percent of other people in society is just relieved that they dont ever have to deal with their sorry asses again. They just want to forget these individuals ever existed. And for most long time inmates, they somehow have ceased to. I call it shadowland. Insignificant sacks of walking flesh and bone, in Gods waiting-room, first judged and punished by their mortal fellow human beings, and now waiting to face another judgement day, after they leave this world.

  6. I bet poor Slaughter cried himself to sleep the night he witnessed Ivan Rios & leave the jail from acquitted for murder, robbery etc. But I'm happy for rios

  7. they did a good job choosing these ones to follow..
    they picked a guy who was obviously guilty and was just trying to game the system. then, a person whose guilt is a little less certain, but still pretty sure. then, a person who was obviously not guilty. their personalities were pretty interesting too.
    this was a good ep.

  8. I have But 1 Question here Please .
    For this Young Man here that has So Many Charges . Why are Thy the Same Charges . Just playing with Words being Changed and or Twisted ???

  9. These series are great. Its filmed in a good manner , not all the flashy cuts and the sensationalising of jail and prison. Narrator has a good calm voice without going all dark on us Its watchable and a clear warning not to get in to situations hat will get you locked up with these nutcases and that brutal prison culture.

  10. I'm happy for Ivan. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who could take somene's life. He was just a lost kid hanging around losers and dumbasses, the type of guys junkies usually hang out with. Hopefully he is done with the lifestyle he lived. Rosmary on the other hand… The fact that she was trying to sacrfice her own son tells me that she is full of evil.

  11. Actually teared up for the guy that got out.
    Honestly he didn't deserve to sit and wait for 3 damn years. Great job by the jury

  12. Rosemary’s lawyer ‘decided’ not to present a single piece of evidence or witness testimony, ie she is guilty as sin, she didn’t have the beginning of an explanation

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