‘Riverdale’ actor who killed mom sentenced to life; 12-year-old girl shoots father in ‘murder pact’ – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A former child actor receives a life sentence for the murder of his mother. Plus, two minors allegedly hatch a murder plot to kill their families and even their pets.

Robert Corbett joins host Ana Garcia.

Catch Ana Garcia in the 20/20 true crime event “The Vanishing Act” Friday night at 9/8c on ABC, and stream on Hulu.

Ana Garcia

Robert Corbett


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By elboriyorker


34 thoughts on “‘Riverdale’ actor who killed mom sentenced to life; 12-year-old girl shoots father in ‘murder pact’”
  1. I know I’m in the minority when I say this but with all the child rape, all this controversy about locking up adult celebrities and being their executor spending the money their children earned, and all the toxic parents who have no compunction using their children especially in the movie industry makes me question. Look at all the allegations, listen to what former child stars have to say about it. Part of me questions as a single mom what depths she was willing to sink too? He wasn’t a great actor how did he land so many roles over better actors? I don’t know maybe I’m too empathetic but when we see the outbursts of Lindsay Lohan, Brittany Spears, Daniel Radcliffe, what about Amanda Bynes, Ariana Grande? Did y’all not notice what weird sexual things the live action actors where doing in kids shows in the late 90’s until 2012 or so? We already know the rumors around Epstein and Winestein and what adults have said listen to Terry Crews since we haven’t listen to any of the women over the last 40 years of Hollywood. I don’t know I feel for this kid and feel there’s a lot more. I could be completely wrong and he is just a monster but I can’t ignore what I know about the movie industry

  2. Why are so many children killing their parents?

    As for that little girl, who shot her father, and then killed herself?

    She may as well have killed him, because that would’ve been more merciful… He is never gonna forget this, and he’s never gonna live past it

  3. Why does Ana always seem so completely baffled by the concept of brains that don't work properly? For someone who follows this many True Crime cases for so many years, I find her naivete irritating. She acts like she just "doesn't get it" and is so surprised that some people exhibit bizarre psychotic behavior.

  4. I loved those movie he did I was so shocked and disappointed.He was a talented young man .Why did he do this? Had everything going for him.He must have known he was having horrible thoughts ,why did he not get help .I wish he had .

  5. Those two girls could well have ‘gone through’,nothing that was out of the ordinary,for most 12 year-olds.They may well have been so hyped up,with each other’s fantasy,of running away together,and being free co-conspirator,that they weren’t mature enough,to work out the consequences.The plot to kill all their pets,though,that’s very strange.

  6. Very angry about the raccoon being put down 🤦‍♀️. Yet we have psycho criminals waltzing around who are more dangerous than the raccoon and they get free housing medical etc. 😡 🦝 so sad. 💔

  7. Feeling angry that the powers that be made a mountain out of a mole hill and is hoping to imprison this woman for taking her racoon to a bar. Outlandish. Targeting citizens who acted in love, nursing this racoon back to health and adopting it as a pet. They turned this cute and kind thing into a "bad" thing and THEY murdered this animal for an unacceptable reason. And still they seek to fine the Kind woman. The powers that be often strain a gnat ands swallow a whole camel. They make a big deal out of little things and treat big things as miniscule. They should be imprisoned and fined for killing the animal. They didn't LOVE the raccoon–SHE DID. May the hole they dug for this woman open up and swallow them whole. May they fall into their own trap. We have a massive amount of missing kids but the law is too busy straining gnats with the citizens if it can bring them profit. It's all about the money with them.

  8. Sigh. Up to 15:52 i thought ryan was 12 when he shot his mom and thern when garcia said he hopped into his CAR, i was shaking my head and then stopped the vid to look up how old he was when the murder happened to discover he was 21 years old at the time of the murder. Garcia probably said this earlier but somehow i missed that.

  9. Oh my heart aches for the families involved. I have just looked for a follow-up and it says the girl who shot herself in the head has died. It's an absolute tragedy, and I agree with Ana. Why on earth would these girls think up such a plan? Many children say they will run away. I had one of my daughter's friends turn up at mine when she was about eight. She told her mum she was running away and her mother had actually packed the suitcase for her and said go! Bless her, she had special needs too. Luckily we sorted things and she is now a grown woman with two daughters of her own.

    Thar situation turned out fine, but it could have had another ending as she was so vulnerable. Her mother was not coping, so we agreed the little girl could come to mine whenever she wanted then the grandad stepped in and she went to live with him.

    Perhaps more details will come out when this case goes to trial but its an absolute tragedy.

  10. I’m a few months behind here but I’m curious about Sheri Papinis former BF who helped hide her in Papinis kidnapping hoax.. his brother committed suicide soon after Papini returned back home but before Papini hoax was exposed…. What I’m wondering is if Reyes brother became depressed and took his own life because of what he knew about Papini who had been hiding in the ex-BFs place and he was forced out of his brothers home so that Papini could stay with J Reyes.
    Anyone know what happened with the brother…I understand that the mother died as well? Not sure if I have my info correct. But one thing for sure is the fact that Papini has single handedly destroyed numerous lives… innocent children and the husband and several other people … all because Papini wanted more attention.
    I’m very angry about her getting very little time behind bars and she is serving her sentence at a lower level federal prison in San Bernardino Calif and she will be released in less than 6 months. I’m praying that her husband and her family will not have anything to do with her because she is still lying to everyone that she was kidnapped by the 2 Mexican women…. I pray that the Mexican women there in prison will teach her a serious lesson … maybe they will make her ugly and then she’ll have to never look in the mirror again because she is just too ugly and disfigured.

  11. I'm surprised more children don't kill their parents. I felt very angry towards my parents and even threw a brick at my dad when I was angry with him. On the other hand, if mum hadn't pulled my dad off me when he was thrashing me when I was a little girl, he could have done me serious harm.

  12. If a minor commits an adult offense…like MURDER. Their identity should not be protected. They should not get special treatment. They did not behave as the child they claim to BE…therefore they should be treated as an adult…in a violent murder.

  13. Sounds like Ryan was having a mental breakdown. He created and carried out a murder…like a plot from the show. I admit that while I was an "Archie" fan in the 1970's…I don't remember that "Riverdale" was so creepy in the show from the 70's. I will also admit that I never watched an episode of "Riverdale" because it truly seemed way too scary to watch. I like some horror now and then…but just the previews gave me the creeps. It has also been said that oftentimes, single mothers and even both parents, will push their children too hard to become stars…creating a bad situation between parent and child. Or messing with their child actor's $$/allowance…whatever. Many stories like this, did not result in murder though. Just estrangement. This is extremely sad and troubling.

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