Adnan Syed released; Papini sentenced for kidnapping hoax; BDSM image used as evidence – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Neil Rockind joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss Adnan Syed’s release after his conviction was overturned, sentencing for Sherri Papini, Alex Jones’ contentious outburst in a Connecticut court, and the use of an explicit photo in the Kristin Smart murder trial.

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By elboriyorker


39 thoughts on “Adnan Syed released; Papini sentenced for kidnapping hoax; BDSM image used as evidence – TCD Sidebar”
  1. This mother fucker did it. Old school common sense put him in ber car. He had fhe opportunity. He had the motive. Mother fucker is going back to prison and if he dont, lords justice will pevail.

  2. Watch the Crime Weekly cover or Actual Social Justice cover on Adnan Syed case b'cos HBO and Undisclosed lied and omitted the hard truths and facts actually presented at the original trials. Anyone who follows the case closely will see that this is a guilty man acting as the victim. He was not convicted due to prejudice based on his race or religion in '99, he got convicted because all evidence pointed to him, his accomplice confessed, and he has no alibi but had a very strong motive to kill the girl who broke his heart and not days later got a new beau.

  3. Company that committed fraud during 08-09 mortgage scam fined 67 million. Alex Jones fined 965 million. Any one else see the war on free speech yet?? Our gvt just does whatever they want. That is insane & I’m not even a Jones fan.

  4. This is an excellent production in terms of content but for the love of ears please get a decent audio set up. It’s almost 2023 and for less than 200 bucks you can improve greatly. I can’t listen with headphones – ears bleed.

  5. Pride comes before the fall…be careful not to filled with so much pride you are no longer humble before the power behind your blessings; The Lord has the ultimate power, and he is the only way to save your soul. Humble yourselves before the Lord and truly be blessed . Times are coming where many will lose their very souls to gain the world . God be with you and guide you, so you may be saved from what is coming for those who are not with Jesus Christ 🔥🙏🏼🔥 you are all in my prayers 💜💜💜

  6. This Papini lady needs way more prison time. Aside from the wasted resources and who knows the amount of money that truly cost because people volunteered their time, vehicles, etc., she had an entire state in panic wondering if it could happen to them next (before she was "found"). So a state in panic for nearly a month. 18 months. People caught with pot and I don't mean drug dealers have gotten more time. At least were I live.

  7. Always remember how the alleged Rapist Doctor of the Kennedy family was let off after previous victims were Kept out. Then his lawyer married the juror who helped him get RF. Power still works

  8. The two of you seem to be missing the point regarding prosecutors. They often treat this like some sporting event. They just want to win their case. So they withhold evidence, etc. it’s happened many times. Cops do the same thing. It’s not about justice or being fair. It’s a competitive mindset. They just want to win. Once they made up their mind about a suspect they are guilty.

    Their career is all that’s important.

  9. A person's history of assaulting their spouse physically and sexually throughout their relationship should be known. The connection between marital homicide and long term abuse is well documented. That law change was long overdue.

  10. Great show Joshua Ritter. I was VERY happy to hear you say.. Jussie Smollett. That's EXACTLY what I thought when I heard the updated Pappini case. This woman wanted attention and pitty either from her friends and or husband and family. There's nothing worse than a liar and a fake who cries wolf and wastes police resources and attention. I hope her husband leaves her. She's a disgusting human being. Bi@#$. I don't think she should be around her children full time either.

  11. Hi Josh & Neil. Great episode- always is. With the Papini case, you touched on the deterrence issue. I’m a Criminology student and I was thinking under the Sentencing purposes, the judge came down extra hard on her both as a specific and general deterrence. What she did was reprehensible in wasting law enforcement resources, that could’ve helped real victims, and claiming compensation which is stealing from real victims. So I believe the judge is sending a message to her and the public that you will go to jail and you will have to pay back money. It’s a shame they couldn’t give her 5 years.
    I have a question in regards to Propensity evidence. In Australia PE is only allowed in if it is “strikingly similar”. Of course probative value must substantially outweigh the prejudicial risk. Is it the same in the US? Or does it depend on the case? You mentioned the OJ Simpson case and of course we now know a history of DV can often lead to murder on separation, so that would be a tendency towards violence/murder which is similar? How does it work there? 🤔

    Neil – I’ve started following your podcast too. Looks interesting.

  12. I’m truly disappointed in this podcast!!

    because I expected to hear about true crime and not Alex Jones propaganda and bullshit!!!

    nonsense can you please get back on track thank you!!

  13. What about prossicuters political ambitions and it's affect on their reluctance to usurp their own case in regards to opening the book, so to speak to the defence or the media and also law enforcement personnel who rule suspects to be person of interest or not such as in the Kalie Rodny case ? I saw a cold case show recently where a small town news reporter in the mid west was abducted and killed many years ago and was never solved but that a serial rapest lived down the street at that time but wasn't considered to be a person of interest. The point being that crappy police work is a factor too.

  14. This does doesn't happen in criminal court our family courts are corrupt if you would ask me that 20 years ago I would have said no way when you hwhen you have children being taken away from one parent while the other parent is abusing the child and there's nothing you can do about it because that parent works for the courts we're in big trouble

  15. The evidence against Adnan Syed is very strong, a lot of naive young people here being manipulated by media and lawyers with crazy theories. Justice for Hae Min Lee and her family and friends and all women living in fear and trying to escape violent, abusive men.

  16. The Adnan and Avery case have always made me feel like our justice system is flawed. I am so happy that Adnan finally got released and I hope he is not institutionalized mentally. He was just so young and the world was a very different place now. I wish him the best life! His future was so promising when he was arrested. I hope he can become what he always wanted to be.

  17. I completely understand doing right by the victim’s family.. but I think a lot of persecutors just want another notch on their belt…and that’s where, my friends, we get huge injustice for both parties.. wrong ppl get jail, not the right ppl are persecuted.. unbelievable!!

  18. I understand for lawyers it's a job and you just want to win. That's why I'm not a lawyer. I want the truth. If you did the thing you need to pay the consequences. If they didn't do the thing, then being a lawyer would be great to defend them but a lot of times they did the thing.

  19. At this point the public needs to stop persecuting Alex Jones for this. He has apologized so many times and yes what he did was awful but he genuinely thought it was a hoax. Once he realizes he'd been sadly mistaken, he owned his huge mistake. While the Sandy Hook tragedy was awful, Alex is not the one who was behind this massacre. He didn't hurt anybody in that school that day. He has apologized for hurting people he hurt, but he didn't set out to hurt anyone

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