CPU has seen a spike in regards to officers using the NYPD Booths as a personal get away from everyone, browsing teenage websites and Facebooking in Booths located in High Sensitive Areas such as 42nd Street Grand Central Station where officers have to be aware and vigilant, Post 911…
A MESSAGE TO THE NYPD’s “DCPI” “DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC INFORMATION…..We know that you view our videos and the Department has done nothing to correct these officers conduct while on active duty which suggests to CPU that you all at 1 Police Plaza support misconduct and corruption…we will continue to expose your officers until we Fill up YOUTUBE with nothing but videos of your officers which makes your Department look bad, and from my understanding that it is your job to shine a good light on the NYPD, basically it is your job to make the NYPD Look good to the people of the 5 borough’s of New York City and you are FAILING in that part…
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **