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I got a call about a cheap Ferrari for sale that was abandoned in a foreclosed house over 7 years ago. The seller couldn’t get it started and just wanted it gone, we went to check it out, buy it and see if it still has any life in it…
Email Me:
If anyone gets a message telling you to message me on telegram, it is a SCAM. Do not reply or send people Apple Gift cards, you will not get a Ferrari in return
You might of sprayed those shoes off but they smell like shit lol
PFAS on your shoes. Awesome!
The fact that he referenced bitcoin being a bad choice at the literal bottom of the market before the current run is pretty damn funny. Great videos samcrac.
that red engine cover looks nice
Sam you did it again
Sets u back five figures
well me knowing YouTube and seeing them checks you’ll be fine 

I just want a junkyard Ferrari to ls swap why is it too hard to find one:(
Sale me Ferrari
Good for you…

best of luck!
tinted lights on all ferrari's looks so pants tacky and taste less
adam sandler from the movies to suppercars
Producer: How fake do you want the begginig to be?
SamCrac: Yes
Really enjoy your stuff
What scan tool are you using Sam?
How much cheaper are rebuilt titles versus regular?
Did you step in that shit on purpose?
Awesome, get that sucker running smooth !!!
Funny that he knew the problem from the start, but tried keeping it quiet
Video about immobiliser.
He’s got a squirter

So you throw some grass on an Audi and suddenly it’s an abandoned car?
did you start it on 6 year old oil/petrol?.
I think I almost bought this from a Florida had damage in the bottom….the guy had a bluedreams profile
Technically, Hawaii is further south.
I want to get a Ferrari 360 Spider with a dead transmission and engine so I can swap in an LS and a C8 Corvette transmission. So I can give a beautiful Italian woman an American heart. Even better, have it use as much of the original plumbing as possible.
Excellent video. You are a Ferrari wizard!
I cant believe it was grounded when bolted but not when touching. That was crazy..
All scum

Ferraris are Trash
Yes I would like to see more on this Ferrari.
This man can sell almost anything. I just ordered some cow Manila which comes with a pair of Vesey waterproof shoes.
Want to see the escalade
Is this foo smoking out his Ferrari
Interesting videos and acts as a reminder to never buy any expensive Italian junk. Or any car that has been owned by people who modify or play with cars. The average mechanic will put more faults on the car to fix one problem.
Looks like a good mushroom field. Anytime you want anyone to clean those up for you let me know and I'll drive down.
Gotta get me some of those SNAKERS!!!!
The Audi had lots of dry grass on it but not one bit of dust. Incredible!
you guys bin following for a few years now .keep inspiring sam
I wonder if he got parts for 2015 bmw 428i XDrive convertible sport
You're the man! 360 expert!
The amount of time and frustration it took to get to your level of knowledge is staggering. You are my hero…….
Such a surprise that foreign keys do not fit in every Ferrari!
honestly that blue looks soooo good on the ferrari
Sam, you should get a BMW E39 M5 rebuild series going! They are relatively cheap but super fun! RWD V8 6 speed manual.