I Saved $10,000 Buying my Wife a “Lightly Damaged” Audi SUV but it Came Hiding a Massive Problem

I Saved $10,000 Buying my Wife a “Lightly Damaged” Audi SUV but it Came Hiding a Massive Problem

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I bought this Supercharged Audi Q7 3.0T at an auction a few hours away. It was a great price considering the disclosed cosmetic damage, but it arrived with a coolant leak and quite possibly one of the worst issues possible…

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Email Me: SamcracAuto@gmail.com


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48 thoughts on “I Saved $10,000 Buying my Wife a “Lightly Damaged” Audi SUV but it Came Hiding a Massive Problem

  1. How do you pressurize the whole system with a pump when the thermostat is closed and antifreeze circles only in the small circle, that don't even include the front radiator. Did the auction reimbursed you for the car

  2. Sorry but Not a conclusive test Ive seen that happen before, first you should be testing for 1 min or 2 not more the coolant will rise and contaminate the fluid especially with you pulling so it has to be brief, also its not a perfect seal around the pump or the bottom end of the tester, the car is running there are fumes around the engine bay since its not a perfect seal if your going to do this test for a long time eventually it will change color cause its not a perfect seal, second there is a leak in the system ofcourse air will be introduced and you'll see bubbles, the right way to do this is ensure there is no leak first, warm up your engine to when the thermostat opens, suck out coolant from the reservoir to ensure youve got at least 4-5 inches between the teater tip and coolant, you firmly place the tester on and turn it slightly to ensure a tight seal, now and only now pour the dye in, put the pump on turn slightly to ensure it digs in a pump from the upper portion not the lower portion to ensure a tight seal do it for a minute or 2 if its blue or light blue its fine, remember its not a perfect seal and if you do this especially in a closed space like a garage on any car for 10-20 mins eventually it will slightly discolor its not a perfect seal.

  3. It is the complexity of these cars that makes them depreciate so fast-face it, you have a 5 year old AUDI that's worth (maybe) $5000…and now it needs $15000 work to fix.

  4. When you pulled the car up on the ramps the driver side sunk in to the grass. A few seconds later someone was crawling under the car. It might be just me but that doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside that the ramp isnt going to sink and the car drop/slowly sink on someone. Pour a slab of concrete out in your back yard so you have a solid ground to work on. If it were me I wouldn’t crawl under any car that wasn’t lifted on solid ground, that’s just me. Other than that i love your videos – not a big fan of the type of vehicles you are a fan of but I love fixing vehicles so I come back for more entertainment on a weekly basis, good stuff.

  5. Stop I use these testers all the time if it goes green it is fine if it goes yellow then you have a blown head gasket you can test this by putting some of the solution in a small container and put it near the exhaust system with the engine running and it will turn yellow if there are exhaust gases detected I have had so many people come to my garage with these test kits from eBay panicking about the head gasket when they don't understand the green is perfectly ok it is if it goes bright yellow you start to cry lol

  6. Audi put timing belts on their engines where you had to remove the headlights bumper and whatever else that’s in the way every 60k. I thought moving to chains would be an improvement but they put the chain at the rear of the engine and used crap tensioners. Audi is one sadist of a company

  7. Hi All…. I know i'll need to put on my hardhat to handle the fallout, but, I've been watching this channel for some time , and becoming more frustrated. I just realised why… Sam's a non finisher… Cheers.

  8. "Won't lead to damage"??!! It already is damaged. When you hear that chain slap, most likely you know the tensioner is broken. The chain can slap the plastic right off the chain guide. If that chain slapping that chain guide breaks the plastic off it, it won't take too long before the chain wears through the chain guide. You know you have big problems when you see plastic pieces come out when draining the oil.

  9. This head gasket leak tester is a must have when purchasing any European, and particularly German, POS. You should do this on even new German cars (you'd be surprised), including EVs since its coolant will leak into the electric motor.

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