This is Our LAST Option to Bring the Dead Flood Viper Back to Life

This is Our LAST Option to Bring the Dead Flood Viper Back to Life

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After months of trying little changes on this Flood Totaled Dodge Viper, we have a lead on some used modules that might be able to give our Viper new life. It’s a long shot, but with this shot, we’ll bring some closure to this project.

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46 thoughts on “This is Our LAST Option to Bring the Dead Flood Viper Back to Life

  1. At first I was all for it. I’ve worked on 2 flooded vipers. Even posted comments on what to check. Then it got to the point where I realized it was all for likes and subs. You got a guy to believe you could do a job that I wouldn’t trust you to work on my mower. Tell him I’ll work on his car for free. Rebuild the frame. Rework the wiring. And have it running. My shop can do it all.

  2. There should be a push pull sensor positioning switch on the clutch so when you start it the clutch has to be either engaged or not. Since you can’t push the clutch in that is keeping the car from turning over. If you can find that sensor? Slide it the other way and that will let you start the car in neutral. Not sure if this will help but 🤞🤞

  3. 2nd wife left? Stop chasing them trophy wives and get you a 5 thats adjustable to a 7, with a slammin body. All jokes asaide though, I really hate that for you and, while theres nothing like genuine female companionship, in the modern era…best just to lease them, by the week or hour. Probably better for your wallet and sanity.

  4. Sam, what are your thoughts on a flood damaged bmw that starts, runs and drives fine? Think it will have issues after a few thousand miles? I don’t know if it would make a good video, but it’s in your neck of the woods. If I bought it, would there be anything worth documenting?

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