Category: Static News

Marilyn Monroe’s struggles with drugs  #documentary #monroe

Marilyn Monroe’s life was marred by her well-documented struggles with drug addiction, which played a significant role in her personal challenges and tragic demise. Documentary: Cold Case #coldcase #monroe #documentary —- Welcome to criminals and crimefighters! Here we show series,…
Return of the Gaza Strip to Palestine #mossad #documentary

Jitzchak Rabin orchestrates the return of the Gaza Strip to Palestine, forging a pivotal peace agreement. The untold story of Mossad’s absence from these talks, highlighting the delicate balance struck between peace and security. Documentary: Secrets of the Mossad —-…
Crime Scene: The Great Fire of Rome | Documentary

This episode explores the mysterious mass crime scene of children in ancient Athens, the Great Fire of Rome, and the fanatical destruction of Egyptian temples by Pharaoh Akhenaton. “Crime Scene: Antiquity” employs modern forensics and experimental archaeology to uncover the…
Evidence of Edward IV’s prior marriage #documentary #coldcase

Evidence of Edward IV’s prior marriage arose, a narrative that has raised questions about its authenticity and timing. While the possibility of Edward’s earlier marriage adds complexity to his lineage, the documentary scrutinizes the convenient nature of this revelation and…
The life of Vincent van Gogh | Cold Case | Documentary

Vincent van Gogh and the perplexing circumstances surrounding his end of life. In this video, we embark on a journey to uncover the mystery surrounding the demise of this tormented genius. Vincent van Gogh, renowned for his breathtaking artistry, also…
What happened with Marilyn Monroe ? | Cold Case | Documentary

In August 1962, America lost its iconic blonde beauty: Marilyn Monroe, cause of mortality remains mysterious. Marilyn Monroes passing is as enigmatic as her persona: Marilyn Monroe was captivating and uncertain, glamorous and unhappy, a conflicted soul who embodied sensuality…
Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich #documentary #mossad

Amidst international isolation, Israel takes matters into its own hands post the Munich massacre. In a daring move, Mossad initiates Kidon, the covert elite unit of Mossad, authorized by Prime Minister Golda Meir, tasked with executing clandestine assassination campaigns against…
Hitler becomes Reichskanzler in 1933

Hitler becomes Reichskanzler in 1933. Himmler is police chief of Munich, a springboard to power. He is not an embodiment of the Schutzstaffel ideal, but rather a ruthless politician who always knows how to fill the right posts and positions…
Gamal Abdel Nasser’s rockets shocked the Mossad

Tense atmosphere arises as Nasser boldly declares Egypt’s rocket capability to strike Israel, leaving Mossad stunned. Amid echoes of past threats and fears, the Egyptian government flaunts its aspirations, fueled by German expertise inherited from WWII. In a race against…
Mossad: Secret Agreement with Ex-Nazi Otto Skorzeny

Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, strikes a secretive agreement with ex-Nazi Otto Skorzeny, offering protection in exchange for vital information. Skorzeny’s intricate network and diplomatic maneuvers ultimately lead to the departure of German scientists from Egypt, stalling the Nasser missile…
Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Agency

Mossad is the Israeli intelligence agency responsible for covert operations and counterterrorism. With the abduction of Eichmann, Mossad layed the foundation of its own myth, sending a message to all of Israels enemys. Documentary: The History of Mossad ##worldwar2 #jews…
Systematic Extermination in Concentration Camps

Those who served in extermination or concentration camps where systematic extermination occurred bore guilt, even if they did not directly partake in killings, as they were accessories to murder. The late 1980s saw a pivotal trial, exemplified by John Demjanjuk’s…
Network of Nationalist Veterans

In Madrid, unnoticed by many, Schutzstaffel men gather to celebrate their dark past alongside like-minded individuals. Among them, Otto Skorzeny plays a significant role, known for maintaining a network of Schutzstaffel veterans. Rumors suggest he leads a powerful underground group…
Fritz Bauer against former Schutzstaffel Guards

Fritz Bauer was a determined German prosecutor, who fought against considerable opposition to bring 23 former Schutzstaffel guards from Auschwitz to trial. Despite the war ending, these guards evaded justice and led normal lives. The film highlights Bauer’s relentless efforts,…
Female Guards in Concentration Camps

Female Guards in Concentration Camps. The chilling truth behind the 3,500 women who served as guards, not officially part of the Schutzstaffel but known as the Schutzstaffel -Gefolge. Shown are disturbing dynamics of power and the impact of societal norms,…
Ordinary people become instruments of the NSDAP

“Behind the Faces of the Holocaust. Seemingly ordinary individuals became instruments of mass murder within concentration camps. The chilling reality of how the horrors were perpetrated by people who, on the surface, appeared just like anyone else, underscoring the haunting…
The first School of the NSDAP

The Reich School in Bad Tölz was the first institution established by the Nazi Party in 1933. It aimed to indoctrinate students with Nazi ideology through rigorous physical and ideological training. Today, it stands as a reminder of the dangers…
World War II: The attack on Moscow, 1941

The attack of the armed forces on Moscow in 1941 during World War II was a pivotal event. Initially making progress, the German forces faced harsh winter conditions and resilient Soviet resistance. The Battle of Moscow became a protracted conflict,…