That’s freakin classic ! Probably the best I’ve ever seen and still one of my favorites Thanks Dr Cho
Motor cops are the worst in any department.
He not scared of you he is just saying to stop recording him but you keep doing it
Bruh you know you can’t just film other people they have a constitutional right to tell you to stop recording them
Officer Chowmein is just a punk with a badge and a clown costume.
Officer – you are obnoxious. Go t f away. The photog is doing nothing wrong. Get over it.
How many policeman got killed by cameras.
if the cop is nervous he should go home until he is better
nervous cop is just being a big baby cause he cant get his way. boo hoo
This cop was an arsewipe!
(Cop thinking) "Damn! He's right!"
"It makes me nervous…" Take a Xanax.
True American 🔥
What a jerk this OP is. He needs to get a life and stop harassing the officers who are trying to do their fucking jobs! ASSHOLE
Too dumb to argue. He may have a drug problem. He's acting suspiciously. If he's doing nothing wrong then why is he so nervous?
Cop: my appearance is not effecting this guy… damn… what to do what to do..?? F*ck it im gonna tell him everything he cant do even though hes not doing any of these things…. 😆🤣😂
Love your videos keep it up ðŸ‘💪💪💪
This guy filming is an idiot
They need to stop using tax dollars to pay off these lawsuits. It should be paid by jail time and the offers involved.
Haha! They have Xanax for that hahaðŸ˜
Fucking lilchinita fucking lileyes
Excellent work, excellent!!! You got a new follower
oh i'm so sick of hearing about officer's safety, thats what they signed up for, if they want to be safe go get a job, at some insurance company, give me a break. first their all billy bad ass, then their all scared of their own fucking shadow
http://FTP.. cops an idiot ..he going to get himself shot out there
I'm not gonna debate with you.=Because you keep. Losing all the debates. Lol I love it.
Violation 1st amendment protected right . Attempting to violate the 4th amedment. Cop needs to do his job and leave you alone. Tell him good bye till he leaves. This is harrassment ,!Lawsuit time !The cop is a coward . Coward needs to be on desk duty permanently . Snowflake alert !
He's 40 feet away…what an idiot cop. Truly an idiot.
This guy is a basket case! Get him off the traffic detail sarg!! I know trolls are reading this so get a job that you can handle Ponch 7 Mary 3
This guy is a basket case! Get him off the traffic detail sarg!! I know trolls are reading this so get a job that you can handle.
Very good analysis. If I was him I would have simply asked you if you need press information and thank you for making the DUI program aware to the public. Torrance gets free publicity without having to spend any more tax money on the city media relations department. Red tape wont change
what about a freedom of press safety standpoint? We have rights and don't need political correctness cities continue to impose on the media
He asked?
The Whole World have cameras and the only reason why he saying he fears for his life as a cop is because they know the Hunters are becoming increasingly the Hunted, I have ZERO sympathy for them since they enjoy killing Blacks.
Sounds like he's making a bunch of bulshit. Bad cops an idiot telling you all this crap he's going to do after you were told delete he just dreams up all of this and you show that to the judge and the judge going to sentence you that I'd be suing the judge in the court and that dumb squinty-eyed bastard.
He said police getting exicuted executed lol nah yall the one doing the killing
Another dickhead with a camera… You are harassing the cops… you hate the cops, and you try to provoke the cops into a confrontation, and you succeeded, because you are an asshole.
The officer is using misdirection to stop you from filming.
Not enough, that's how many.
What a shmucko arrogant coward. Garbagemen have a far more dangerous occupation than police officers. Pomposity and bluster did not rule the day. Well done.