LAPD DUI Chekpoint in Marina Del Rey – Nov 2016

LAPD DUI Chekpoint in Marina Del Rey – Nov 2016

LAPD DUI Chekpoint in Marina Del Rey – Nov 2016

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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14 thoughts on “LAPD DUI Chekpoint in Marina Del Rey – Nov 2016

  1. It happens every day – any inconvenience in "police induced traffic jams" is mitigated by this type of story.

    Filming the cops has it's purposes – but spending time filming people leaving bars and restaurants who are definitely drunk and getting behind the wheel is far far more useful to our society. As inconvenient as the DUI stop may be – The checkpoints, u-turns, and cop induced traffic jams don't ever kill 9 year old girls.

    Why aren't you spending your energies with the camera highlighting the root cause of police activity?

  2. Is it illegal in California to avoid the checkpoint or was the U-turn they made illegal? I hope its the latter because its utterly ridiculous that we HAVE to go through checkpoints.

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