3 Day Facebook Jail Sentence – An Inside Look

3 Day Facebook Jail Sentence – An Inside Look

I posted yet another joke that mentally soft people reported. I was convicted and sentenced to 3 days inside again.

Tolerance is so tolerant these days LOL. Anyway…

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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47 thoughts on “3 Day Facebook Jail Sentence – An Inside Look

  1. 9/11 truthseeker here bannished for 45 dadys for exposing the truth, rachael corrie was murdered by israel for exposing the truth and blocked for exposing that and truth about 9/11. murders keep protecting murderering liars!

  2. I no longer sub to Facebook, especially after Zuckerberg got the big bitch slap down in front of Congress and higher ups!
    Just because you're on top doesn't mean you can't be kept in check!
    No Facebook anything for this man!

  3. I got a lifetime Facebook jail sentence for apparently being fake and impersonating myself. Even though I sent ID… It's so sad when you're incarcerated for being real 🙁 I'm dead serious about this btw.

  4. Dude you are freaking hilarious! And creative, this is a little random but somewhat related, have you ever taken a Myers-Briggs personality test? If so I'm curious what is your personality score? Especially since you are in law enforcement

  5. i'm currently serving a one month sentence in facebook jail for daring to criticize Islam. Mike your next offense might be a week or heaven forbid a month.

  6. I knew Donut was involved! I've been tracking the money trail for years. I've skimmed through every sovereign citizen on the deep web. It all leads to one man. Donut. He runs it all from his sanctum. Assault beans, weaponized TV trays, even the deadly roof Koreans and fur missiles. It's all Donut. It's a net wide conspiracy! How have none of you seen it?

  7. Facebook is a joke. They had better pray a conservative group doesn't start a social media to compete with them. So many people wold drop FB so fast. Funny how Libtards can post anything and they never get zapped, well almost never. KB's day is coming.

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