A viral video of LAPD Officers conducting a felony stop had people like Rahiem Shabazz on Facebook claiming “9 racist white Los Angeles police officers.”

Video source: https://www.facebook.com/rahiemshabazz/videos/10155571633468365/UzpfSTEwMDAwMTIyNzM2MTcyOToxOTAyMzE3NzE2NDg1Nzg5/

Really? What about this info on follow up from LA Times?

So turns out what pop culture touts as racism is really just, a suspected kidnapper being arrested in an appropriate manner.

Give. Me. A. Break.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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26 thoughts on “9 RACIST COPS!!

  1. Of course you are going to agree with the cops because they are not trying to kill you like they black people, you are European, most cops are Europeans, we expect that from you and your kind lol

  2. Always have to love the commentators behind the phone.
    I bet 5 police white officers got up that morning, met at dunkin donuts. They said to each other lets go point our guns on innocent black women today.

  3. Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see, especially when you don't know the whole story!  This brings to mind the officer who had lunch with his wife , kissed her goodbye in the parking lot and was reported by some idiot for "SEX" out in the parking lot!!  DON'T BE STUPID!!!  The department had a good laugh over it!

  4. A harmful person looks like I did at 25 -6' tall and 220 lbs and benching 385..Yes I got stopped few times and I will tell you I was not miss treated but the one time in Philly.. Mostly they took every precaution until they figured out I was not going to be dangerous..Now that I am much older "I still get stopped about one time in 5 years I like to drive a bit fast still" anyway I get treated lots nicer now I do not look like that anymore.. Not blaming police at all.

  5. I knew you were a racist the moment I clicked on this video I never ever saw a white lady thats taken a Child dude I get amber alerts 24/7 of a white lady taking a child no matter who child it is your raciest you clown

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