Beto’s Self-Defeating Gun Control Argument

Beto’s Self-Defeating Gun Control Argument

You literally cannot make this stuff up. His words and actions literally disprove the points of his platform he’s trying to stand on. Senseless lol.
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34 thoughts on “Beto’s Self-Defeating Gun Control Argument

  1. These supporters of left-wing politicians do not seem to understand that people with evil intentions do not follow the law. I don't know how they don't realize this.

  2. If Beto were elected and if his buy back became law. Would Mike enforce that law? Does he enforce any gun laws currently on the books? During the Kent State shooting, what side were the police on?

  3. They are all pushing for civil war. They might as well just say fuck the bill of rights you have no rights and there isnt shit you can do about it.

  4. To answer your question he is that clueless. An amoral politician that flaps his lips to get votes. They dont bother thinking it through because they dont really care they just want power.

  5. Should be mandatory to own (and know how to use) an assault rifle. And it should be mandatory that all citizens carry a 9mm or higher caliber hand gun at all times…

    Watch how many mass shootings take place…

  6. They attack these weapons because they are what we will use against a tyrannical government and all those (law enforcement) that try to enforce their anti-constitutional laws that they pass behind closed doors and armed security.

  7. Beto needs to get a job at a coffee shop So he can spew all of his stupid politics to people that don’t give a crap. That dude would be better suited flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s.

  8. An AR15 is most often bought in reaction to an emotional response. Once again, you're going over the edge Mike. I've spoke to you about this. You need to talk to your people about how they use, store, and perceive firearms. not rant about some nobody speaking nonsense. You're forgetting that it's the gun owners actions and attitude that are driving gun control debate. That's what needs to be changed.

  9. Beto is a theif….Beto is a criminal with a arrest record for breaking and entering …it would be a theif to try to make it easy for home intruders….

  10. Beta is trying sooooo desperately hard, now that he's less relevant than ever… he's not Tony Hawk. he's not able to change a tire. he's not a "regular guy". he needs to go away, get his teeth fixed- not just cleaned- and maybe take a class on guns, what they look like and what they do, and especially a class on the Second Amendment. he looks like the fool he is. poor kid(i think he's older than me). no. just no. he doesn't need all the trappings of wealth that he enjoys… he needs to take care of El Paso. and brush up on his Spanish.

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