Mike the Cop Mail Time Monthly LIVE | OCTOBER

Mike the Cop Mail Time Monthly LIVE | OCTOBER

This mail time monthly is also known as the day of the letter opener! Giddy up!

Send mail of all shapes and sizes to:

P.O. Box 1877
Taylor, MI 48180

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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40 thoughts on “Mike the Cop Mail Time Monthly LIVE | OCTOBER

  1. in a lot of the Off the cuff videos or these mail videos, you and Dave are joking about poison powder, Lol what if someone put baby powder in an envelope and you opened it would you find it funny? because baby powder does have that distinct smell and is obvious, rather than flour

  2. Ahahahaha, the FACE when he opened the Kerambit AKA letter opener, loved it ! Thanks for the laugh Pete (and @Mike The Cop !) Then onto the funkload of other letter openers…then fans have spoken 🙂 The penholder was ultracool too ! Hmmm…an idea is brewing !

  3. Glitter bombs INCOMING!!!!!! For the love of the badge someone. Anyone. Everyone. Send him some glitter bombs. He will cherish them forever. Mainly because it will be stuck every where! Love ya Mike! 😜😜

  4. I hope you do this channel in part to give your son video producing practice. Because if not, you need to get a producer that doesn't butt in and speak over you repeatedly. Man oh man that was annoying.

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