Mildred Has Pain This is Serious

Mildred Has Pain This is Serious

I love it when telemarketers call! It’s no Sol Rosenberg from Jerky Boys but that’s the inspiration for “Mildred” 🙂 I really could have used a free brace…oh well.

SNAP: mike_thecop1

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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43 thoughts on “Mildred Has Pain This is Serious

  1. i so like prank calls , though Mike don't forget children look up to cops and watch this too
    also Mike please go to a doctor don't pretend that you are an old lady , maybe you do have
    have a bladder infection or it could be more worse and you caught a STD instead of a bad guy

  2. I had just started watching this and the fire alarm went off. I made sure to finish watching while getting my things together and leaving my apartment 🤓🤣🔥🔥🔥

  3. I love jerking them around I talked to this guy with a Mideastern accent for like 25-30 mins then he wanted my credit card so I gave it to him and answered me it’s wrong so I gave him another number he said it has to start this way I was like that I gave him another bad number it went on and on. Then I talked normal and said I gotta go I’m done with lunch. He wasn’t happy. But I know that 30 minuets he didn’t scam nobody.

  4. Mike!!!! Where's the rest!!!??? What a cock tease. I loved the Jerky Boys as a kid. That brought a rush of blood to a part of my brain I thought dormant for good. Too friggin awesome man.

  5. Can you do “Cop reacts to (tv show name)? I think it would be super interesting because there are so many cop shows out there that I’m sure many people would like to know how accurate they are. I understand of course if you’re busy. It’s just a suggestion.

  6. Just another option now added to my repertoire of schemes against marketers and scammers. I'm waiting for the IRS scams to come around so I can tell them "*F#$k* the government, they can't have my money!" I hope they threaten legal action ^.^

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