People are SO SENSITIVE These Days

People are SO SENSITIVE These Days

In this clip of the OFF THE CUFF Podcast, Mike and Dave are discussing how overly sensitive our culture is and how it’s so fashionable to be “offended.”

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46 thoughts on “People are SO SENSITIVE These Days

  1. And now Pussynterest Pinterest joins the sensitive masses, don't you dare post anything SLIGHTLY contrary to their so called "policy" or watch your commentary be completely erased without a warning or whatsoever. And don't think it's okay just because you refrained from using bad words, nope, your comment still can be purged and you can bet both of your ass cheeks that it will, because Pinterest is a PoSItIvE site, so you better be pOSitIVe or be gone. It's growing worse everyday, people, the special snowflakes are taking over everything, it's only a matter of time before the whole world becomes a fucking borefest. Goodbye, freedom, I'll miss you.

  2. To be honest they cannot take a joke seriously I mean if someone says a joke don’t instantly try and find something offensive about it and make you feel bad and they also are trying to ruin peoples fun because they think wearing something from a culture is wrong I mean God I wish we could go back to the days of the early to thousands where you could say whatever the hell you thought and people wouldn’t really get offended and you could make jokes without people saying you’re the bad person

  3. What do you say to a woman with two black eyes? Nothing, you already told her twice and she didn't listen. That's a joke I NEVER would have told in the past out of respect for women. But with all the male bashing these days, I feel justified from a standpoint of reciprocity.

  4. So, which is better/more beneficial for a person or community…….

    1. People being more sensitive to criticism or statements of any kind, and therefore others being careful not to say something "offensive."


    2. People being less sensitive to criticism or statements of any kind, and therefore not being offended/bothered by what other people say?

    IMO, EASY ANSWER. 2. It is better to have "thick skin" and confidence in yourself because you have reason to be (you actually take care of yourself, are kind, educated…etc etc) and therefore you can go confidently through life. The other option creates an environment where people are afraid to say much of anything to each other for fear of "offending" someone, and an environment where "everything" is ok. IE. Someone who is obese, uneducated, wants to identify as a hamster, and expects the government to provide for them because they don't want to work. In today's environment it would be "wrong" to call that person out on all of their failings.

    This is an acceptance of mediocrity, at best, and stupidity.

    Disclaimer: I believe in being fair, kind, honest, and respectful to others. The fact is that it DOES matter, but it also is extremely important to be "thick skinned" and be able to accept criticism.

    I'm so sick of society these days and I know many others are. To those who understand this concept i'm presenting, please try to stay strong and don't give in to option 1.

    Jeez you can’t joke about anything without someone getting offended and then you end up looking like an a**hole just because people feel the need to complain about everything.
    If anyone is offended by this comment then…………………………………F**K YOU!

  6. I’m 21 years old and I can tell you I absolutely hate my generation. Can’t have fun without someone being offended about something.

  7. I’m here cause a Youtuber is under fire for giving her honest opinion on a Kpop group, and they’re saying she’s racist. To clarify, she said that the members in this Kpop group look less Asian because they have dyed hair and light contacts in their eyes. She also said that they look like women and people are dragging her because of this. To me, it seems you can’t even give an opinion anymore without people getting pissed. What she said may have been mean, but it’s still her opinion and she’s allowed to have one.


    im like: No fuck you.

    everyone else: kicks me out of the group cuz i dont want to be kid frendly

  9. I think the reason my generation is sensitive becuase we were all babied by parents who made us think that everything bends around us, and saying something in this generation is going against what they were babied to be entitled to. As boomers and their "back in my days" grew up without the spoiling.

  10. It's gotten so bad the SJW's/feminists won't let movies/entertainment be movies. If classic movies like weekend at Bernies, or white chicks ETC came out today they would get major backlash and not do well. They did very well back then. That's just proof it's gone way too far.

  11. This is more noticeable undoubtedly on TV.
    Watch old comedy vs new comedy, or WWE 1997 – 2007 vs now.
    80-90's rap vs now, wow It's changed so much in the past 20 years, people have really become weaker

  12. People that get EASILY offended and choose to complain, argue, or challenge what offended them often is because they seek sympathetic attention and concentration from others amongst themselves and to show what they believe is correct and make you seem incorrect.

  13. @mikethecop I thought this would offend me because I hate cops (they use me as a punching bag) but I actually really enjoyed this video. Keep up the good work and don’t shoot, ok? Lol jk

  14. People these days are so overly sensitive and easily offended!

    I've seen it happen numerous times in the Internet. Someone make a blog or a video about something even if they are not trying to attack anyone, and people immediately attack the person and treat him or her like the villain of the story. It's like nobody can say or do anything anymore without offend someone since people these days are a bunch of overly sensitive flowers that get easily offended by everything even for the most stupid thing. Everything is upsetting for them and needs to be called out. Nothing can be let go. Nothing can be just shaken off.

    No one takes the time to get all of the information or back story or reason why something happened. Instead, they jump to conclusions, take everything personal, take most things out of context, and become offended. Then they don't even try to listen once they immediately choose to become offended. People really need to stop getting offended by every damn thing, so grow a pair you idiots, and stop getting upset over everything! So… To all you snowflake out there! If you can't handle anything and you're easily offended then, then you don't belong on the Internet or even in real life because you’re too damn sensitive to handle anything.

  15. People are probably more offended these days, especially when it comes to racial jokes, is because before they would just kill you if you weren't white and standing up for yourselves. Also taking random bits from an old Roast hosted by white people and saying, "Well even the black and Latinos weren't offended" don't really understand the difference between a roast and the lives people had to live outside if they weren't celebrities.

  16. And now Pussynterest Pinterest joins the sensitive masses, don't you dare post anything SLIGHTLY contrary to their so called "policy" or watch your commentary be completely erased without a warning or whatsoever. And don't think it's okay just because you refrained from using bad words, nope, your comment still can be purged and you can bet both of your ass cheeks that it will, because Pinterest is a PoSItIvE site, so you better be pOSitIVe or be gone. It's growing worse everyday, people, the special snowflakes are taking over everything, it's only a matter of time before the whole world becomes a fucking borefest. Goodbye, freedom, I'll miss you.

  17. To be honest they cannot take a joke seriously I mean if someone says a joke don’t instantly try and find something offensive about it and make you feel bad and they also are trying to ruin peoples fun because they think wearing something from a culture is wrong I mean God I wish we could go back to the days of the early to thousands where you could say whatever the hell you thought and people wouldn’t really get offended and you could make jokes without people saying you’re the bad person

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