4 COPS RAID MY YARD SALE AND GET DISMISSED – EAST HAMPTON – First Amendment Audit – Amagansett Press

4 COPS RAID MY YARD SALE AND GET DISMISSED – EAST HAMPTON – First Amendment Audit – Amagansett Press

4 COPS RAID MY YARD SALE AND GET DISMISSED – EAST HAMPTON – First Amendment Audit – Amagansett Press

Yard sale video one: https://youtu.be/ULUJBexhFxc

Yard sale video two: https://youtu.be/CMviPv0XjEs

Yard sale video three: https://youtu.be/fs2rfnrkIbI

Thank you shout-out to our supporters !!
(click here for membership info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIYocUCja9Ug_XiYROeb_cw/join )

Sam J


Jump Keys
G Moore
Flat Earth Punks

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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46 thoughts on “4 COPS RAID MY YARD SALE AND GET DISMISSED – EAST HAMPTON – First Amendment Audit – Amagansett Press

  1. Well done Jason!! What a bunch of low life law enforcement officers. They best change or the hatred will continue to increase at more DANGEROUS levels!!!

  2. The "Yard Sale" was the first Amagansett Press posting I saw. I joined immediately. It's a great video to reprise from time to time for new people and I still like re-watching it.

  3. It's peculiar that a police officer can pass his police academy training in 22 weeks and know the law , while a student who is studying to become a lawyer spends 2 to 3 years in LAW SCHOOL to pass the a state bar to become an attorney at law .

  4. Come to think of it this was the very first video I ever saw before I saw your audits that's messed up you got to be careful you're going to end up dead in a ditch from these police getting their butts hurt

  5. If this is what these cops have to do to remain relevant…..and justify their paychecks…..it's time to fire half of them and train the remaining half to fight and solve real crimes.

  6. 2021: not saying anything. We can ALL see what’s wrong in this video… and I’ll extend an olive branch to the officer with the… 😎

  7. OUTLAW AUDITOR 🤣😂😅😊 SEEMS LIKE TOO MANY OFFICERS HAVE NOTHING TO DO. Have them pick up trash and clean up around town if they have nothing else to do.!

  8. DAMN,,,didn't know you were a criminal. i mean come on,,you're holding a yard sale sign,,and letting people buy before 9? that's hard core man. glad we have the clowns to put you away !!!! how DARE you have a yard sale with a sign ! lol lol lol

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