explosives in my scooter – Paranoia everywhere security guard v James Madison audits

explosives in my scooter – Paranoia everywhere security guard v James Madison audits

While checking into an abusive code enforcement situation I encountered a security officer at the city of Palm Coast and he initially said that I cannot bring my scooter inside. But you know how that goes

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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25 thoughts on “explosives in my scooter – Paranoia everywhere security guard v James Madison audits

  1. I suppose they would try to ban me for using a cane. Yeah, you never know how many explosives
    are in there. Just ridiculous.
    Isn’t it sad that since 9-11 law enforcement uses the narrative of fear to control citizens.
    The real terrorists are officers like the guy in the video. They shoot us and investigate later.
    Nice gig if you can get it.

  2. The "only POSITIVE thing so far… is that they have an ELECTRIC Vehicle Charging Station right over here…" … … ??? !!! ??? And y'all think that is a GOOD thing??? I sincerely HOPE not and will address THIS part, later. Disregarding the facts that it cost $$$'s to install those things AND it costs MORE to MAKE the "electricity" to charge the cars with than it does to run one on the "traditional" methods (i.e. gas an oil).

    "We" are being "educated" ~~and God bless y'all for what you ARE educating us in regard to!!!~~ yet this "little" fact still seems to be overlooked. QUITE a bit in fact, STILL, from what I've noticed. WHERE is that "electricity" being generated FROM, exactly? What OTHER SOURCE of FUEL is being used to CONVERT THAT (the "original) fuel INTO "electricity"?? What are the maintenance costs for said "charging stations"??? Also note: not JUST on a COST analysis, but LOOK at where they are LOCATED! No "coverings" (overhangs or roofing/siding) to protect against the elements, while outside, hooking the leads up to the vehicle either…

    NO-THING has me (nor should they have ANYone) "sold" on these danged "electric" vehicles. The ONLY thing that "I" can "see" is the moronic "Virtue Signalling" AND exorbitant pricing FOR the vehicles themselves AND the cost of energy that it takes to GET the "energy" INTO the vehicle.

    Don't get me wrong… I certainly DO see the need to alternative sources ~~can "we" say "FREE"???~~, THAT, or just make the darned vehicles that "we" are ALREADY manufacturing, have much, much, MUCH more fuel efficiency, when it comes to combusting the fuel. More "bang for the buck", so-to-speak. When I see the EXACT make and model being sold in America vs "Overseas" with ONE exception to the two EXACTLY same vehicle(s), is that the "Overseas" model has +10-30% BETTER (meaning MORE) fuel/mi ratio… MUCH more economic to run the "overseas' vehicle". And no…!!! No "confusion" between "mi" and "km" either… It would SEEM that "America" CAN do MUCH better. It's just that the vehicle (again) MANUFACTURERS are CHOOSING NOT to sell the more economic versions in America. Where "we" should at LEAST have a CHOICE!! Would ya NOT think??? It's ALL in the name of "Killing The Environment". Except "we", the purchaser of said vehicles, are NOT the ones who are damaging "our" environment. It is the BIG CORPORATIONS that are MAKING that decision FOR "us"… and THEN "guilt-shaming "US" when choosing a lesser of TWO evils. STILL an "evil", regardless!!!

    I KNOW!!! These "audits" are not centered around these types of issues and/or topics. FAR from them… BUT, when they are being pointed-out IN one of these audits, as a "POSITIVE" kinda thing… well then, it IS time to address them. HOPEFULLY, it was NOT mentioned as a "positive" kinda thing though… I am HOPING that it was more of a tongue-in-cheek, off-the-cuff, facetious remark instead.

    Anyway, "my" rant for the week. Heh! Keep-up the great exposés and audits. "I" am behind you guys 100% when it comes to doing what y'all do the BEST!!! Please! Keep-up the GREAT information that you pass-on, it is very educational and people need to know what YOU know. Hopefully, we'll all be on the same page sooner… MUCH sooner, than later!! Eh?!? Thanks you!! : ) -EB

  3. Security guard: “I couldn’t make it as a cop, so I’m Security.”

    James Madison Audits: “I couldn’t make it as a cop either, so I’m an odditard.”

  4. ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍 ✌️😎👍

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