The #NYPD Homeless Outeach Unit is a unit of the NYPD that is supposed to reach out to the homeless, provide outreach services such as shelters and other matters of help in regards of displacement. However, the truth is, that this unit was created to work along side with the NYC Sanitation Dept to get rid of property that belongs to homeless people in NYC, these officers scout the area where the homeless frequent at, and then Orders sanitation to throw away any items belonging to the homeless and does not provide outreach services to help the homeless thereafter…The NYPD Has the public media thinking that this unit is helping the homeless, but instead, it’s targeting the homeless with threats of incarceration and throwing away the little property they have to thier names, including papers & personal documents they have…Listen to the testimony of this homeless woman and what these officers told her and thier threats of calling sanitation…HERE’S A LINK TO A VIDEO I POSTED WITH THE NYPD WITH SANITATION THROWING AWAY THE PROPERTY OF THE HOMELESS….
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **