Officers Are Going To Sit Here And Baby Sit You Until You Leave

Officers Are Going To Sit Here And Baby Sit You Until You Leave

James Freeman does first amendment audits, cop watching, cop blocking, and more. Since Live PD and Cops was cancelled, James Freeman does LIVE STREAMING COP WATCHES. It’s like Live PD, except actually live, and without the “cops can do no wrong” bias.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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38 thoughts on “Officers Are Going To Sit Here And Baby Sit You Until You Leave

  1. these officers are sooooo childish. they are showing they are bad cops. and so stupid too. he talks about how they just want a reaction which isnt true then says they wont get one which he proves not to be true LOL

  2. i know it would be difficult to get 20 plus people but if you could it would be awesome if you could get 20 plus people walking around filming and taking pictures. way more than the cops could harass and "baby sit."

  3. When exactly did the servant presume he is the master? How exactly can WE THE PEOPLE put things back how they should be? We suffer the same persecution here in the UK,. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  4. Can anyone find the show cops. The cop was on a man's back with his knee and man said he couldn't breath and that cop said you can breath your talking. That tyrant should be fired shame on that cop

  5. English clearly isn't his first language! " officers are going to babysit you, until you find a place that might be more fine" " looks like you guys are trying to revoke something" " I'm just a lonely officer"??😂😭
    what does that even mean?
    he doesn't know the difference between the word revoke and provoke. is he dumb or possibly having a medical emergency? it's comforting to know a man who is incapable of forming a coherent thought is entrusted with public safety.. scary!

  6. It amazes me how dumb and uneducated they are!
    They need to be educated on all levels!
    Embarrassing themselves!
    How can they uphold the law when they are clueless!
    They really hate the camera!

  7. We have every right to hold public officials accountable!
    Ty you for everything you do!
    You make us proud!
    Courageous guardians of all free people everywhere!

  8. Harrassment, molestation, intimidation!
    Violations against true free Americans
    They swore an oath…
    Clearly they have gone rogue!
    Tyranny will not be accepted
    They are no longer wanted or needed!
    Remove these domestic terrorist!

  9. It’s funny how cops accuse you of intimidation with cameras but they’re the ones that have guns and there’s like five of them.

  10. the part where yall ere sitting in the chairs and the text came up saying this wouldve been the perfect opp to play dumb…it was still early in the coversation with the cop. yall still couldve done it.

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