huge difference in the outcome of the suspect – me and my camera- guy goes to jail in the police car….no me, no camera-guy leaves in an ambulance

don’t tell me I don’t make a difference!
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Skirts on the Beat with LaurasharkCW & Ida Foxy queen (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxwr76XajtWE7WZarFawaUA), the first and only female cop watch team

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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21 thoughts on “WE WERE TOO LATE :(

  1. Always a pleasure to watch your videos for some reason I'm not been get notifications had been wondering if you were okay I've seen you in summertime videos that I didn't know if those were current day or not but anyway hopefully that wasn't the same victim of the police or was it..????

  2. what is up with the paramedics not standing in court against the cops with this kind of non since. like the video you got of what happened last week. even the paramedics are crossing over to the demonic side. this is a shame. keep up the good work n SHARK IT SHARKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. They put the kid last week in the cop car because they saw you. He needed an ambulance. When they yanked him up from the ground you can see blood spill from his mouth.

  4. That you can come to know the worst of these cops, who keep turning up in your recordings says a lot about how messed up that department is, and how on the ball you are. Irate productions of San Diego puts names of familiar, repeat cop offenders on screen in their videos.

  5. Why do they need a dozen cops for one guy in cuffs? Everyone standing around doing nothing. And two ambulances for one victim. So much money wasted repeatedly. Private sector company would be quickly bankrupt. But hey, tax dollars at work. Like watching a municipal road crew ‘working’.

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