You Are Interfering With My Investigation, Keep Your Mouth Shut

You Are Interfering With My Investigation, Keep Your Mouth Shut

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20 thoughts on “You Are Interfering With My Investigation, Keep Your Mouth Shut

  1. "Y" the hell are you giving information to them every time you open your mouth thay are getting information from you turn it on you that's daft (stupid)

  2. Mess with the cops heads. Have 5 or 6 of you show up at night at a traffic stop and form a circle around the cops and the vehicles. Tell the cops they never know how many cameras are on them or where they are. Tell the cops that while they are messing with one of you there could be 2 or 3 more they don't see watching them. I would love to see how the cops like it when they are surrounded.

  3. It doesn’t make them a higher caliber dept it makes them a scared dept!
    I’ve always said if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance baffle them with your BS! 😂

  4. You need to read up on the Bane act, call State atty and have an investigator travel w you a couple times. 4-5 instances of intimidation and blocking and you'll have enough to have them arrested on site. Do a little investigation on local hindering statutes and call state police to have PD charged.

  5. I'm sure he gave the last guy a warning about his headlight, since they're obviously not necessarily, since his backup officer doesn't use them! LoL! I doubt it! Gotta meet that quota!

  6. The male cop (I'm gender profiling here) keeps spitting. Very unprofessional. But, then again…'s not surprising. Maybe he just gave some head.

  7. I'd love for u to come to Keller pd these guys have been tyrants since I was a little kid. And im 43 now..the recent release of the video of how they act everyday that was released recently i think to really pound the point home they just might start a dialogue that things might could b done different
    And thsee tactics dont only apply to minorities. Anyone is subject to their Gestapo policies whites in the middle class upper class and also not just none residents. It doesn't matter….if like a tutorial from u so i can perhaps make a change here in my home town where I've lived longer than most of the officers have even worked her or for that matter even been alive….I have a vested interest in this community way more than any of these pigs

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