A Global Warming Audit or First Amendment Audit ? Greta Scolds Hollywood – Everything Law and Order Blog

A Global Warming Audit or First Amendment Audit ? Greta Scolds Hollywood

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

37 thoughts on “A Global Warming Audit or First Amendment Audit ? Greta Scolds Hollywood”
  1. They also lecture on the 2nd amendment, how anti gun they are but how many guns and shootings are featured in the movies in a single year…..

  2. If that Starbucks kinda dork walked up to me with his little walkie-talkie, asking me not to film, I'd tell him to go F-off.

  3. This is a great untapped resource for doing audits. There have been a few of these film sites recorded and it is always the same reaction. No one but them are allowed to film and then they try to suppress rights. They always shove until someone shoves back. Simply notice the attitude of the guy in the blue vest. They need to be put in their places. Nice going. Keep it up.

  4. I like your attitude…you make a fair point for both sides 👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️

  5. Most permits do not allow sidewalks to be block all day, normally for short time during filming or only one side at a time. Go use film set and get out of our tax funded city

  6. If you want to fight global warming, you have to start at the top, buddy. You know, big companies like the fuel industries. Your other mistake is making climate change political. It should have nothing to do with politics.

  7. I have worked on Films for 35 years and you are completely correct. It’s not the generators, as much as it is the Teamsters that run their trucks all day.

  8. Hollywood is "do as I say not as I do". It is a "I care more then everyone else" contest. They actually think they influence the world and they are important. It's the way society creates celebrities; they start to believe they are something more when to most of the country they are just entertaining or easy on the eyes. Just because you can dance or look good doesnt mean we care what you think. People dont go to strip clubs to gain insight on the global economic landscape. What they think doesnt matter anymore then what the farmer that feeds me thinks. Probably less to be honest.

  9. From the get go ,
    You had more right.
    They had to buy a permit,
    You could film till hell froze
    Over , but they would have to
    Renew , & renew ……..
    Also their emissions were
    A moral & perhaps, legal
    To inform us even further,
    An emissions meter reader ,
    Im sure would set a trend ,
    With out end . Bravo indeed
    Kind sir.

  10. It was rumored that Greta had been given a cameo role in the production. Her handlers wanted to keep nosey videographers away from the set. She could not be seen with all those diesel trucks spewing their exhaust into the LA skyline.

  11. Call up and complain they're not permitted to idle vehicles and if they are idling vehicles find out what the permit is an asked him to no longer issue these permits they should have propane generators

  12. Global warming hoax. Don’t fall for the hype. It’s a gateway to government control. Of freedom. Bernie loves that.
    Great audit.

  13. Film LA, the non profit that handles film permits in Los Angeles can only close to control a film location, these are not sets. They cannot prevent passage for extended periods, and must accommodate pedestrians to pass in public spaces, even where the camera and crew is placed. They can’t prevent you from recording them. Anyone can also demand to see the permit at any time. On it you will see the number of crew and vehicles allowed and the times they can be there.

  14. The dumb of the dumb always seem to find jobs of movie shoots. It’s weird how they hire knuckle draggers so frequently

  15. Hollywood's grasp on media is slipping away with streaming content providers and other's making inroads into their weakening fan base. Good to see the disruption

  16. thee reality is that the global warming nonsense isnt even about global warming, but rather the control of the people by big government and the elites of the world.

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