Automatic Plate Reader – Owner Forgot To Report Recovered Stolen – Everything Law and Order Blog

Torrance, California – Automatic Plate Reader – Owner Forgot To Report Recovered Stolen

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


39 thoughts on “Automatic Plate Reader – Owner Forgot To Report Recovered Stolen”
  1. I hope this woman learned that it's never a good idea to call CA police – they did not recover her vehicle, they threatened her life when she recovered it herself, then they did a search of her vehicle in an effort to destroy her life just for fun. Calling the police is often required, calling armed domestic terrorists is never a good idea.

  2. And none of the police have on PPE nor does the woman 😡😳. Also you may want to check into weather any of the city or county owned golf courses are open – it’s a problem in NorCal – golf is not essential and is tough to monitor and keep protocol – I can’t walk in a public park but the city will open golf courses because it makes them money 🤬🤦🏼‍♀️

  3. Anybody want to bet that ALL data recovered by these devices is not kept forever? Just in case they need to prosecute/persecute later. Someday.

  4. "Glendale residents are now required by law to wear protective face coverings whenever leaving home, exceeding Los Angeles County’s mandate, as city officials attempt to rein in rising cases of the novel coronavirus."

  5. Was this filmed recently? Why is nobody wearing masks and crowding around each other?
    Is there a pandemic or not?

  6. In the USA, you too can have an ALPR (Automatic Lic Plate Reader) for just $5 per month, with just a 20 minute software update to your existing IP camera.
    Go to "" and become a secret cop, a snitch, or a spy. 🙂
    What a crazy, sad country.

  7. Automatic plate readers so now they know where you go and what you do? And there are still people in this country who think that's okay?? Do these people have any concept of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States of America? Do they have any concept of their God given rights

  8. Shouldn't the database that the police use for stolen vehicles get automatically updated when a car is recovered? Some organisation will recover it, either the police themselves or the insurance company. It's very rare for an owner to find their own car and recover it. Is this a case of the computer says no and people assuming the computer is always right when the standard thought process for anything to do with computers is garbage in garbage out – GIGO.

  9. The orwellian dystopian Society and the Beast system have arrived and this is the age of the Antichrist that began with the assassination of our beloved of John Fitzgerald Kennedy when I was 4 years old. Only dead men are free and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

    Daniel 8:12

    “And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practised, and prospered.”

  10. Just retaliation by a cop that input the information. The Amber alert is also being abused by cops; San Bernadino deputies did that to a lady. Cops will always find a way to abuse something ALWAYS. No such thing as a good cop

  11. Member when LEOs needed PC to run your plate? I member.
    Well, in my home state that was the case growing up. They needed a reason to run it.

  12. Unless a criminal act is committed they are not to be reading a damned thing…THAT would treason the 4th and 5th amendments BOTH capital felonies under 18 USC 2381, carrying a 5 year to death sentence penalty……
    Alot of felonies these sworn servants committed for a MISTAKE…..

  13. The Automatic License plate readers are unconstitutional. They could take your plate number and run it and see everywhere you traveled and make a profile.
    The Government is watching you closely from your cell phones to your car and home PC. No privacy laws in this country and we are suppose to be free. They will not enact any Privacy Laws because the government is the worst Privacy threat.

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