DUI Checkpoint in Santa Monica – Everything Law and Order Blog

DUI Checkpoint in Santa Monica

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

21 thoughts on “DUI Checkpoint in Santa Monica”
  1. DUI check points are a waste of time, money and personnel. As a traffic sergeant I established many check points. They were not cost effective. We got more DUI arrests from the motor officers I detailed to moniter traffic outside the check point. This was in Los Angeles.

  2. if anyone complains about him "bothering" the cops this is about transparency, we see very little of what goes on in police interaction even in simple things like traffic stops, this is important for free speech, thank you

  3. was that even looking while writing his notes or was that guys first two steps enough to do him in….Mind you he couldn't walk a straight line.

  4. Come on onus news start going full time your part time is not enough we need more bro but i appreciate ur videos ur very smart at countering I like that

  5. Does CA have some kind of test for weed? What kind of reading do they need to consider you 'under the influence'? I would assume it almost has to be a blood test.

  6. So, in these days of inexpensive electronics and digital storage, why don't the police video record their field sobriety tests? Your video of that guy screwing up several components of the test would be pretty compelling evidence in court. Also, have you ever thought how many unemployed traffic officers (think Highway Patrol in California) there will be in the very near future when most, if not all, vehicles are self-driving?

  7. I have tried many times and asked multiple agencies where they advertise, which they have to by law, when and where they have checkpoints in my local area and have always been blown off. I have even done done public record requests and still got nothing. My question is, how do you find the checkpoints in your area ?

  8. Good narration and advice regarding citizens rights Onus! Although it would seem many citizens either do not know their rights or fold to easy under pressure from these road pirates? Look at all of their toys? Support trucks, motorcycles. cruisers and all of that tape lol. Not to mention all of their nice paychecks. No wonder they try to jack as many citizens up as they can, they need to milk the populous dry to pay for all this stuff! They will be doing full rectal exams at the roadside soon, then these checkpoints will be a pain in everyone's ass!

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