Fashion Model Pepper Sprays Photographer Over Filming – Part 1 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Myself and Tom Zebra were out filming the police in the city of Torrance. As we were stopped and talking at 7-11 a female exited the store and started dancing for some other guys. As she got to her car she noticed the GoPro on the handle bars of my bike. She became angry and demanded that I delete the footage. She said I needed her permission to film her. She said her father was a judge. She said she was going to sue me. She called someone on the phone and said me and Tom Zebra assaulting her. As Zebra and I rode away on our bikes on Western, she pulled alongside and pepper sprayed Zebra.
Fashion Model Pepper Sprays Photographer Over Filming

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


40 thoughts on “Fashion Model Pepper Sprays Photographer Over Filming – Part 1”
  1. Myself and Tom Zebra were out filming the police in the city of Torrance.  As we were stopped and talking at 7-11 a female exited the store and started dancing for some other guys.  As she got to her car she noticed the GoPro on the handle bars of my bike.  She became angry and demanded that I delete the footage.  She said I needed her permission to film her.  She said her father was a judge.  She said she was going to sue me.  She called someone on the phone and said me and Tom Zebra assaulting her.  As Zebra and I rode away on our bikes on Western, she pulled alongside and pepper sprayed Zebra.

  2. I'm not getting my way so I'm gonna call my daddy. Get over yourself dumbass, your just embarrassed because you got recorded acting like a skank. For someone who doesn't want to be recorded, she sure as hell finds her way in front of the camera a lot. Oh & btw strippers always say their models.

  3. Illegally parked (handicapped), daddy is a judge….lol (Fresh Prince of Belaire episode), knows her rights (bends over to show guys her ass)…on and on

  4. Her pimp is her judge who handles her and she is forced to call him her daddy. She is no model, just another entitled troublemaker that should not be at 7-Eleven after sunset. Does she have a disabled placard for parking in the handicap space? Her mouth/attitude is her handicap, I bet. Wonder what drugs she had in her system.

  5. In my opinion she seemed to be acting a little like she was under the influence of either alcohol or a controlled substance of some kind. First of all Tom Zebra or Onus news were not filming this woman at the moment she made contact with them they were both just minding there own business. As the situation she created was escalating she became more aggressive and started making statements about her father being a judge and how Tom and Onus news can be sued for "filming her without permission" she gets on her cell phone and is apparently talking to someone possibly her dad the "Judge" Tom and Onus news begin to tell this woman they are going to leave and they proceed to leave the 7 11 parking lot and go on there way. Putting this short she appears to be driving down the street seeking out Tom Zebra and pulls over to the side of the street and assaults him with pepper spray which is blatantly against the law!! this woman is all fouled up and out of her damn mind in the first place. Great video guys i hope she was eventually found by Torrance PD and arrested.

  6. She doesn’t look handicapped. I don’t think she has the placard. Why did she park on the handicapped spot? Where is Sergeant Tomato.

  7. My dad's a judge so I'll just park in the handicapped spot. It could have been legal since she was mentally handicapped.

  8. So let's see… No front license plate. No handicap hanger in a handicap space. And then she follows and pepper sprays?

    Her daddy better be a judge….or there's no way she stays out of jail.

  9. so . . . apparently Hookers have the right to assault any member of the public they chose to. Torrance Police Department wont your wives be upset? Cops backing hookers??? Now whos the undercover pimp? Hey gov-ment pay our cops so they can do they jobs correctly. Or Ima start spraying every 1 with a cell phone and call myself a hooker then dial 911 false claiming sexual assult . . .  maybe they will finally make it illegal for making false police reports

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