Los Angeles Sheriff’s Break The Law and Violate Internal Policy on Cell Phones

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Break The Law and Violate Internal Policy on Cell Phones

23123. (a) A person shall not drive a motor vehicle while using a
wireless telephone unless that telephone is specifically designed and
configured to allow hands-free listening and talking, and is used in
that manner while driving.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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9 thoughts on “Los Angeles Sheriff’s Break The Law and Violate Internal Policy on Cell Phones

  1. The reason is s simple one. The government want people to believe the police are here to protect them, however that is a big lie. A retired state trooper was arrested yesterday for robbing a toll both, killing two innocent people.. You don't hear much about that story on the main stream media. Why does the main stream protect the reputation of cops?? It is one big screw job and they know it.

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