Tiger Woods – Vehicle Roll Over Crash in Rancho Palos Verdes – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Tiger Woods – Vehicle Roll Over Crash in Rancho Palos Verdes

copyright onus news service 2021

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


49 thoughts on “Tiger Woods – Vehicle Roll Over Crash in Rancho Palos Verdes”
  1. the front end of that suv,….. to do that much damage he had to be going at least 80 and been air born and/or he center punched a tree. 90. there's at least 500 feet of carnage. at 40mph he would have stopped in 100 ft or less

  2. Seems like he sustained quite a few injuries to his leg, ankle and foot. This could ruin his game and livelihood. I certainly hope he makes a full recovery and everyone should wish him the best.

  3. The extent of crumple on that front end is indicative of an instantaneous stop following a high-speed maneuver. At first, it looked like a nose-dive off a cliff, but a vertical cliff wall will stop a vehicle in the same manner. The roll damage is subsequent after the hard "stop". Just a thought….

  4. Oh my god! I can't see anything! I'm blinded by the hundreds of thousands of dollars of unnecessary police overtime!
    Thank god tacticool-cop there had his full-on wartime murder-gear suit on! That's MUCH more useful than, I don't know, say, a BODY CAMERA.

  5. As a first amendment auditor reported….2/25/21
    On the police scanner is was just another auto wreck….(no big deal)
    Then it came out later……Tiger Woods.

  6. well look who showed up….Alex Villanueva….what a joke…..and I see my buddy @6:43 with the huge black and white lens- I see him a lot I think he works for Loud Labs. Well, I was stuck up the street while you were getting the money shots ~ but I was up the street making a lil $ too.

  7. I know exactly where this is. It's right at the border between Rolling Hills Estates and Ranch Palos Verdes on Hawthorne Blvd. Right where the pavement sort of changes color between the two cities. The speed limit is 45mph— but really easy to go too fast as you head North on Hawthorne as it is a down hill grade. There is an emergency escape lane to the right there for runaway trucks or cars that have break failure. Being that he took out the Rolling Hills sign that is in the center divider; he crossed over from the North bound lanes to the South bound before exiting the pavement and rolling over. He could have easily killed someone in a head on collision. So, how the FUCK does he do this on dry pavement with good weather? I don't even think there was fog here the other day. So, either distracted (texting), or HIGH, or fell asleep…. or just going too fast while distracted and veered across. Total BONEHEAD move on his part. The guy may know how to golf, but damn, on this day his Asian driving skills pretty much ruled the day. People drive too fucking fast here. That, and looking at their fucking phones while driving. This is NOT an area where you want to be walking with traffic to your back– there aren't even pedestrian sidewalks. And God forbid you ride a bicycle here. Asshole entitled rich motherfucking drivers.

  8. Seems to me that other professional camera people got there late, while you got the scoop on the salvage operation. Nice older model Peterbuilt Rotator.

  9. Nice coverage Mr. cat! What do all those suits do that show up Way after the fact in their expensive cars? I mean other than standing walking and looking around with their hands in their pockets?!?

  10. Bill, Bill, Tiger's shanked one off into the brush on this DOGLEG par 5…Whoops! Bill, Bill, Tiger's thrown his putter into the gallery on the reverse DOGLEG. Bill, Bill, gasp! Tiger's slipped on some Dhogg Dhoo and twiddled his fetlock

  11. Tow truck Operators doing all the work, all the police do is stare at the car and write a few #’s down.

  12. Me crashing my toyota camry into ditch: One tow truck driver with a flatbed, no investigation.
    Tiger woods crashing escalade his into a ditch: 500 plus, first responders working on what happened.

  13. Remote controlled. They want his golf money. Just like they wanted michael jacksons song money. Orange juice anyone!?

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