Update : Arrests and Charges Filed in City Council Incidents – Everything Law and Order Blog

Arrests and filed charges have begun in a string of incidents that occurred over the last few weeks at the Torrance city council meetings.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By phillyfinest369


21 thoughts on “Update : Arrests and Charges Filed in City Council Incidents”
  1. Its unfortunate that people from both sides went to protest or support the police and have ended up being arrested by the police.   Personally, I don't see how getting arrested advances your cause.  I would suggest people on both sides exercise restraint and start being more respectful towards those who you disagree with.  Otherwise you get to enjoy the experience of the American injustice system.

  2. I have been reading these comments lately on Facebook by council member Aurelio Mattucci. He advocates for homeless people to be arrested for the crime of being poor and homeless and put in jail. I am shocked and appalled that a person working in the professional capacity representing the City of Torrance would advocate abusing some of the most vulnerable American citizens for the crime of being poor and not being able to attain housing. I imagine the other council members are aware that Aurelio Mattucci is online advocating that the people in our society who are already suffering in poverty be put in jail for the crime of being poor. These are some really sick bastards.

  3. Damn holy shit…the white dude would’ve rather got shoved and his camera broke than that fucking zit on black dudes forehead popping on him….lol….battery and battery obv he didn’t learn the first time his ass should be in jail

  4. Are you kidding me ! But a guard can shoot a person in broad daylight on a public sidewalk and not be charged or prosecuted for that crime. That's a Damm shame ✌️

  5. 📖 The people who walk in the darkness Will see a great Light.! Those who live in a dark Land The Light Will shine on them.

  6. I`m guessing the police didn`t want to inflame a group of already angry people by making arrests then and there. Easier to pick them off one at a time later. Perhaps that`s why they have the undercover cops you`ve seen at these meetings. They can follow the person out later, and get a plate number off a car, or even follow them home.

  7. Protect and serve? How about none of the above? I wonder at what stage of assault they would do thier job? Seriously though, I can in a way see them not wanting to esculate and as far as assault goes these were of the minor variety. Would they step in though if serious harm was being caused? What was thier orders on how much crime was too much? Has to be political, they cant say with a straight face that they were undermanned and outnumbered.

  8. Why didn't you post the criminal record of the boy that pushed the Black Lives Matter Man? But.. I'm sure you didn't forget to post the other man's record. Exactly🤷🏽‍♀️.. such hypocrites🙄

  9. I'm sorry but if people are allowing themselves to be assaulted and looking for someone else (police) to fight their battles for them, they've already lost the battle. If someone lays hands on you, deal with it immediately on your own to protect yourself and others. Period.

  10. I have been very impressed with BLM in the long-term especially with BLM Sacramento and the overwhelming local government corruption that they faced head on and tried to expose in the long run! I think that both BLM and reporters/Cop watchers like Onus News Service can learn to work together and that having one person in the room with them with experience in these types of situations like a Onus News Service, HDCW, Cal G or time to stand in the room with BLM would help both groups in the long-term greatly. Since both groups are at great risk of having bogus charges manufactured against them by cops trying to do both groups significant harm in the long-term!

  11. Good work Onus. We will need many different styles of auditing to overcome the corruption. Some won't be pretty or articulate. Yours are both, thanks.

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