Ride along as Police Officers respond to a series of unexpected incidents, including suspicious individuals, a stolen vehicle, a potential break-in, and an injured woman. Witness the intense and dynamic nature of police work as these dedicated officers swiftly address each situation.

Spokane Police Department: https://my.spokanecity.org/police/
Pittsburgh Bureau of Police: https://pittsburghpa.gov/police/
Martin County Sheriff’s Office: https://www.mcsofl.org/
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department:https://www.lvmpd.com
Chattanooga Police Department:https://chattanooga.gov/police-department

COPS has been documenting police work for over three decades. These episodes were filmed in 2005.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Season 18 Episode 28
20:19 Season 18 Episode 29
40:27 Season 18 Episode 30
01:00:33 Outro
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COPS is a documentary television series and one of the longest-running programs in the US. The show provides a real-life glimpse into the tireless work of law enforcement. The show was created by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour and premiered on Saturday, March 11, 1989.

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By elboriyorker


26 thoughts on “🚓 Unpredictable Police Calls: Officers Respond To Suspicious Activities | Cops TV Show”
  1. Holly's mother should have been arrested, being a total criminal herself for pimping out her own brainwashed daughter. And hope cops can get Holly help.

  2. Oh my gosh. The first one tugs at my heart. The way that poor girl was crying to her mother. I wish there was an update on her. I hope that she got some help and is doing fine today. Wonder if she is ok???

  3. If anyone is wondering why this first girl is the way she is all you have to do is look at her mother. This is tragic. That girl had no chance whatsoever. I feel horrible for her. I'm pretty sure that mother has everything to do with the way she's turned out and the horrific addiction she obviously has.

  4. Oh my gosh. The first one tugs at my heart. The way that poor girl was crying to her mother. I wish there was an update on her. I hope that she got some help and is doing fine today. Wonder if she is ok???

  5. You know the white one that's on the heroin with the green eyeshadow she's still a pretty girl she better stop it now before all that stuff really hits her

  6. I honestly feel really bad for the first girl. You can tell that mom has cried countless nights. That little girl has never grown mentally I don’t think jail would ever help her I think it makes it worse smh. I hope God puts his hand on her shoulder

  7. Es totalmente irrisorio q esos policías se llenen la boca pregonando q ayudan a las personas, mientras que lo único que buscan es una licencia x el arresto. Llevando presas a las personas solo x el estímulo q les dan, a un drogadicto no se le ayuda encarcelamdolo,lo único que consiguen es q este tenga una crisis x síndrome de abstinencia y eso es más peligroso a q estén en la calle drogados, a una persona como esa se le trata como lo q es , un enfermo x lo tanto se le orienta y se le escucha, pero con interés verdadero, y ahí pueden ver qué es lo q realmente está pasando y el modo de enfrentar el problema. En un país de "l primer mundo" como no hacen sino echar en cara eso, allá q hay recursos, se puede; muchas veces al hablar con un adicto se puede llegar a ver qué son personas con capacidades, talento y muy inteligentes, sino que x x o y motivo han tenido mala suerte y han llegado a ese punto.es una enfermedad la cual nadie está exento de vivir una situación como esa , las drogas no discriminan pasa hasta en las mejores familias y una toma de decisiones errónea no debería hacer estereotipar a los q la sufren. La niña que arrestaron supuestamente x "pros…..ion " no tiene sentido, ahí hicieron eso x q vieron la posibilidad de lograr un arresto fácil y la manera de hablarle a la mamá sobre ella , m pareció una total falta de respeto…. pero bueno, como dijo el policiucho, la estamos ayudando….. definitivamente

  8. What a mom in the first episode: driving her daughter to a street corner so she could sell her body! Thank goodness there aren’t many like her!!

  9. Taking a recovered stolen car to the owner with a warning that there might be drug parapharnelia in there or drugs doesn't sound right to me. Shouldn't that car have been checked by forensic tech. before being returned to it's owner?

  10. How are they just walking up to people who are not doing anything illegal and just because of "suspicion" they search and interrogate them??!
    Isnt that illegal? Was it before an articulable suspicion was needed?

  11. Sick of the racist bs from that punk 18 year old. Thanks to the media and politicians, mostly Dems, race has sunk back 75 years and the race baiting is out of control. Growing up in the 70's and 80s saw mor people getting along regardless of color, and you didn't even hear about it. Today it's sad that people like Sharpton instigate race hate.

  12. What a terrible Mother. I would be taking her to NA meetings and Church. Shame on you to you to the Mother. I am an excellent Mother yes I am Bragging My 29 YEAR OLD Would neverrrr do anything to hurt my child. Mothers fault my honest opinion heartbreaking.

  13. 29:01 he is so cooked. but this video shows how manipulative cops can be. the word and mind games they play.

    To some extent though, people are so dumb, and overly confident. Just say no, I, am not okay with a search.

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